D'zorykx the Trapper

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MobD'zorykx the Trapper
Image of D'zorykx the Trapper
Gender Male
Race Jailer (Demon)
Level 47 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Nighthold
Status Killable

D'zorykx the Trapper is a jailer located in the Nighthold.


  • Anguished Spirits - Unleashes a volley of spirits from his grasp, inflicting 760000 to 840000 Shadow damage to targets struck.
  • Soul Vortex - Drops a cage hungering for souls at his target's location, drawing in enemies and inflicting 75000 Shadow damage every second for 6 sec. Enemies caught near the cage are afflicted by Torn Soul, increasing Physical damage taken by 100% and suffering 50000 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 30 sec. This effect stacks. Subsequent casts increase the magnitude of the pull effect by 100%. This effect stacks.
  • Torn Soul - Drops a cage hungering for souls at his target's location, drawing in enemies and inflicting 35700 Shadow damage every second for 6 sec. Enemies caught near the cage are afflicted by Torn Soul, increasing Physical damage taken by 100% and suffering 35700 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 30 sec. This effect stacks. Subsequent casts increase the magnitude of the pull effect by 100%. This effect stacks.

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