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Image of Skorpyron
Gender Male
Race Arcane scorpid (Beast)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Crystal Breach, Nighthold
Status Killable

Skorpyron is the first boss of the Nighthold.

Adventure Guide

Deep within the foundations of the Nighthold, beneath the sea, lie long-forgotten vaults that give access to the Nightwell itself. This monstrous armored scorpid has made its home in one of these vaults. Infused with the power of the Nightwell, and surrounded by a teeming brood, Skorpyron presents a serious complication to an otherwise-promising back entry to the Nighthold.


Skorpyron's lair is a constantly spawning chamber of scorpids that join the battle following Call of the Scorpid, but which also attack if any player strays too close.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Take shelter behind Crystaline Fragments to protect yourself from Shockwave.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Take shelter behind Crystaline Fragments to protect yourself from Shockwave.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Arcane Tethers accrue during Arcanoslash, and need to be broken to reduce damage taken.
  • Take shelter behind Crystaline Fragments to protect yourself from Shockwave.


First Arcanist Thalyssra yells: What madman thought to infuse this creature with the Nightwell's power? Have a care, if this abomination was created to protect lower reaches of the citadel from invaders, it must be particularly deadly.
First Arcanist Thalyssra yells: This is a momentous day, my friends. Until the Legion came, no outsider was permitted inside the corridors of the Nighthold for ten-thousand years.


Scorpid Spawning Ground

Skorpyron resides in an active spawning ground, continually creating Scorpids which inhabit the space throughout the encounter.

  • Crystalline Scorpid
    • Spell arcane arcanetorrent.png Energy Surge — Sends a shock of arcane magic at a target, inflicting 95000 to 105000 Arcane damage and an additional 15000 Arcane damage every half-second for 3 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Volatile Scorpid
    • Ability hunter pet scorpid.png Scorpid Swarm — Causes nearby Scorpids to swarm, increasing haste by 30%.
  • Acidmaw Scorpid
    • Ability creature poison 06.png Toxic Chitin — The Scorpid's armor is coated in a heavy toxin, creating pools of Nature damage periodically and upon death.
  • Ability warrior intensifyrage.png Boon of the Scorpid — The scorpids grow restless, periodically increasing damage done by 10%. This effect stacks.
  • Sha ability warrior bloodnova nightborne.png Shrouded — Shrouded in arcane magic, the Scorpids are immune to area of effect spells until entering combat.
  • Ability skyreach wind.png Shockwave Important — Expels pent up energy, smashing the ground and creating a shockwave which inflicts 1462500 to 1537500 Nature damage and knocks players back, destroying all Broken Shards. Players may stand behind Broken Shards to avoid Shockwave.
  • Inv shield 24.png Chitinous Exoskeleton — A chitinous exoskeleton of crystals covers the Scorpid, protecting it from damage, decreasing damage taken by 25%. As Skorpyron takes damage the exoskeleton breaks apart, decreasing in potency.
    • Ability warrior shieldbreak.png Exoskeletal Vulnerability Important — Breaking the Chitinous Exoskeleton stuns the Scorpid for 15 sec, increasing damage taken by 100%.
    • Inv datacrystal05.png Crystalline Fragments — Crystalline Fragments break off of Skorpyron, creating a Broken Shard at that location and inflicting 764750 to 845250 Arcane damage to all enemies upon impact.
    • Inv jewelcrafting 70 songcrystal.png Chromatic Exoskeleton Important — Proximity to the Nightwell infused the Chitinous Exoskeleton, causing it to shift color periodically.
      • Inv jewelcrafting 70 gem03 green.png Acidic Fragments — Acidic Fragments break off of Skorpyron, creating a Broken Shard at that location and inflicting 118750 to 131250 Arcane damage to all enemies upon impact and an additional 90000 Nature damage to all enemies every second. This effect stacks and lasts until Skorpyron's Chromatic Exoskeleton changes.
      • Inv enchanting wod crystalshard.png Volatile Fragments — Volatile Fragments break off of Skorpyron, creating a Broken Shard at that location and inflicting 487500 to 512500 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards every 3 sec.
        • Inv misc qirajicrystal 02.png Volatile Resonance — The resonating properties of the Volatile Fragments protect them from Shockwave, instead pulsing for 682500 to 717500 Fire damage to targets within 15 yards moments after being struck by Shockwave.
      • Inv datacrystal05.png Crystalline Fragments — Crystalline Fragments break off of Skorpyron, creating a Broken Shard at that location and inflicting 764750 to 845250 Arcane damage to all enemies upon impact.
    • Spell mage evanesce.png Broken Shard — Standing behind these Broken Shards protect players from Shockwave.
    • Inv enchanting wod crystalshard2.png Infused Exoskeleton — Regrowing the Exoskeleton infuses it with Nightwell energy, increasing damage done by 10%. This effect stacks.
  • Ability mount hordescorpionamber.png Call of the Scorpid — Lets out a resonating sound throughout the room, calling nearby Scorpids to aid in combat.
  • Inv knife 1h pandariaquest b 03.png Arcanoslash Tank Alert — Slashes all targets in a frontal 18 yard hemisphere, inflicting 774345 to 855855 Arcane damage. Tank-specialization players are afflicted by Arcane Tethers. On Mythic difficulty, Arcane Tethers remain in the encounter area for 15 sec after breaking, reattaching if their target re-enters their range.
    • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Arcane Tether Tank Alert — Targets become tethered near their location, suffering 125000 Arcane damage every second while within 10 yards of the tether. This effect stacks.
  • Spell arcane massdispel.png Focused Blast — Faces a targeted direction, discharging arcane energy, inflicting 1496250 to 1653750 Arcane damage and stunning targets hit for 4 sec, increasing in duration for subsequent hits.



Item Type
Storm Artifact Relic
Iron Artifact Relic
Arcane Artifact Relic
Leather helmet
Mail chest
Plate bracers
Mail bracers
Cloth gloves
Cloth belt
Leather leggings
Plate boots
Tank trinket
Physical DPS trinket


Patch changes

  • Legion Hotfix (2017-04-05): Resolved an issue in which Arcanoslash could place an Arcane Tether on a non-struck tank target.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links
