Manatoxin Gland

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Manatoxin Gland drops from Skorpyron in the Nighthold.

It provided an additional rank for an artifact trait depending on the artifact:

Class Artifact Artifact trait
Demon Hunter Demon hunter Aldrachi Warblades [Honed Warblades]
Druid Druid  [Scythe of Elune] [Solar Stabbing]
Hunter Hunter  [Titanstrike] [Pack Leader]
Mage Mage  [Aluneth] [Aegwynn's Wrath]
 [Ebonchill] [Let It Go]
 [Felo'melorn] [Burning Gaze]
Paladin Paladin  [Truthguard] [Unflinching Defense]

Patch changes

Other versions

External links