Meet the Team

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NeutralMeet the Team
Start Brann Bronzebeard
End Brann Bronzebeard
Level 68-70
Category Visions of Azeroth
Experience 5,200
Rewards 14g 4s
Previous N [68-70] A Mysterious Warning
Next N [68-70] To Khaz Algar!


Check in on the Algari Expedition.

  • Check on the Algari Expedition


If we're going tae be exploring new lands in Khaz Algar, then we'll be needing help from the Explorers' League. But they won't be alone in this adventure. The League is teaming up with the Reliquary again, just like on the Dragon Isles.

They're calling themselves the Algari Expedition this time around.

I'm just a wee bit worried if they're still getting along. Exploring can tear folks apart just as easily as it binds them together. Can you check in on the lot?


You will receive:

  • 14g 4s
  • 5,200 XP


A league and an expedition walk into a tavern... Nope, nothing's coming to me.


They're getting along? Well I'll be a goat's uncle. Ach, no offense to Dagran.

Well, that certainly makes my job easier. Thanks for checking in on them, all the same!


On the way up to the surface for N [68-70] Citizens of Dalaran, Magni offers this quest. Additionally, Archmage Drenden offers N [68-70] Strengthen the Wards. Pick them both up before heading out.

Members of the Explorers' League and Algari Expedition outside the Violet Citadel in Dalaran

On the surface, outside the Violet Citadel, Lupas Lightsprocket, Elise Starseeker, Reno Jackson, and Sir Finley Mrrgglton of the Explorers' League are meeting with Toddy Whiskers, Rannan Korren, and Tharessa Sunstrand of the Algari Expedition and Tuberros, Entrepreneur of Shiny Things:

Sir Finley Mrrgglton says: I must say, the Dragon Isles sound like quite the adventure!
Toddy Whiskers says: Aye, it was. Full of danger too. Enough to even give ol' Brann a few greys in his beard!
Rannan Korren says: Well, I'm sure this mysterious Khaz Algar will be just as full of peril. If not more!
Elise Starseeker says: Hopefully not too much peril. Given the circumstances.
Toddy Whiskers says: Agreed. The typical adventuring sort of peril will do just fine.
Reno Jackson says: Bring it on, Khaz Algar! There's nothing RENO JACKSON can't handle!
Elise Starseeker says: Right... Well, looking forward to working with you all.

Many of the characters have gossip:

Sir Finley Mrrgglton

I must say, I'm rather excited about this new adventure. Though I understand it has quite the dodgy history, doesn't it?

No one's quite sure what the earthen were truly getting up to there...

Reno Jackson

Worried about the dangers lurking within Khaz Algar? Don't be. After all, you have the amazing Reno Jackson watching your back!

Rannan Korren

Everyone seems on edge, don't you think? Can't possibly think why.

Oh, right. The horrible visions of destruction. The entire reason Dalaran is teleporting to Khaz Algar. I remember now.

Toddy Whiskers

A lot of folks think of modern day earthen as dwarven ancestors, but that's not quite right. More like... cousins?

Still, we're all family. And I'm as excited as a whelp with a duckie for a possible reunion.

Speak with Elise:

Elise Starseeker

Salutations, hero. I must admit I'm quite excited to see Khaz Algar. There's so much to explore there!

Gossip (Quest) Brann wanted me to check in on you.

Elise Starseeker says: It's sweet of Brann to check in on us. Let him know that we're getting along just fine.


  1. B [68-70] The War Within
  2. N [68-70] A Poor Reception
  3. N [68-70] Azeroth's Voice
  4. N [68-70] Painful Lessons
  5. N [68-70] The Bronzebeard Family
  6. N [68-70] A Mysterious Warning
  7. N [68-70] Citizens of Dalaran, N [68-70] Meet the Team, N [68-70] Strengthen the Wards
  8. N [68-70] To Khaz Algar!
  9. N [68-70] Breach
  10. N [68-70] Rupture
  11. N [68-70] Departure

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