A Mysterious Warning

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NeutralA Mysterious Warning
Start Magni Bronzebeard
End Magni Bronzebeard
Level 68-70
Category Visions of Azeroth
Experience 1,300
Rewards 2g 80s 90c
Previous N [68-70] The Bronzebeard Family
Next N [68-70] Citizens of Dalaran, N [68-70] Meet the Team, N [68-70] Strengthen the Wards

A Mysterious Warning begins the post-launch The War Within campaign, starting in the Portrait Room of Dalaran above the Broken Isles. Players must have completed the earlier portions of the intro experience (starting with B [68-70] The War Within and ending with N [68-70] The Bronzebeard Family) to be eligible for this quest.


Discuss the next steps, then follow up with Khadgar.


Well, that was quite the nap. I wasn't expecting Azeroth to be so... loud. To normal folk, she's gently calling out. But with our connection, it felt like she was screaming. Directly into my crystal noggin.

I saw it though. Khaz Algar, an island of earthen, bathed in fire and smoke. That's where Azeroth is trying to lead us.

That's what we need to protect.


You will receive:

  • 2g 80s 90c
  • 1,300 XP


Khaz Algar...


The council has decided. We travel to Khaz Algar.

Dalaran will teleport as soon as we're able. Will you lend us your aid in our preparations?


Before accepting the quest, Khadgar has new gossip:

If only the good news of Magni's recovery wasn't marred by this terrible vision he received...

Still, we must learn more.

On accept:

Dagran Thaurissan II says: Khaz Algar! The titan installation mentioned in Uldaman's records.
Archmage Khadgar says: And it may now be in danger. We must convene the Council.

Characters have gossip:

Tell me, champion. Can a crystal heart still beat? I certainly don't feel it in this old chest of mine.

Seems like the old coot is perfectly fine now. And here he had me all worried!

Brann Bronzebeard

Damn brothers and their damn habit of falling asleep trying to talk with planets and whatnot...

<Brann hastily wipes his misty eyes.>

Ach, I'm getting soft in me old age.

Dagran Thaurissan II

I'm so glad Gran'da is alright now. We haven't spent much time together, and the thought of him...

But it's okay now! He looks like he's fully recovered.

Finally, an answer to all our questions. You should speak with Magni and hear more about the vision he received.

I'm glad Magni's awake. Last time he fell unconscious trying to connect with Azeroth, well... It was a much longer wait.

Even through all his bitterness, Magni still proves himself to be a true Speaker of Azeroth.

Speak with Khadgar:

I must discuss Magni's revelation with the Council of Dalaran. Please wait here while we convene.

Gossip (Quest) I'll wait for you here.

An in-game cinematic plays, Drenden's plan:

Interior. The Portrait Room of Dalaran. Present to the left are Brann Bronzebeard, Magni Bronzebeard, Moira Thaurissan, and Dagran Thaurissan II. To the right are Jaina Proudmoore, Thrall, Anduin Wrynn, and the adventurer. Walking down from top middle are Archmage Khadgar, with Ansirem Runeweaver, Karlain, Drenden, and Modera of the Council of Six behind him.

Archmage Khadgar: Once more, Dalaran is called to the aid of our world. Magni?

Magni Bronzebeard: Azeroth showed me a vision of a city in flames in the ancient lands of Khaz Algar.

Alleria Windrunner silently walks up as Magni explains.

Magni Bronzebeard: Her voice was desperate--we must act quickly.

Khadgar turns his attention from Magni to Alleria and they share a look.

Archmage Khadgar: Archmage Drenden has proposed, and the council agrees...

Archmage Khadgar: that we bring the full force of Dalaran to this "Khaz Algar."

Khadgar scans the room from right to left.

Archmage Khadgar: Make ready our people, and prepare the city for teleportation.

The adventurer salutes.

Archmage Khadgar: Whatever lies ahead, we will face it together.

After the cutscene, characters have new gossip:

Moira Thaurissan

If there really is a chance that there's earthen on Khaz Algar, you can be sure I'm coming along. Someone will need to establish relations.

We can't just go in hammers swinging.

Magni Bronzebeard

Khaz Algar is the stuff of legends. A titan installation built by the earthen and watched over by the keepers. Back when the keepers were around, in any case.

To think the stories were true...

Dagran Thaurissan II

Khaz Algar! Do you know how amazing this is? Scholars weren't even sure it existed.

Are the earthen still there? What are they like? What titan technology do they watch over?

I must learn everything I can.

Brann Bronzebeard

Now this is my element! A place only known in myth? Sounds like the perfect place for the Explorers' League.

Anduin Wrynn

So our destiny awaits in Khaz Algar. What will we find there? Beyond fire and smoke, that is.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore

Khaz Algar. That's what the Radiant Song was trying to tell us. And so, that is where we must go.


A titan installation... I'm starting to see why Azeroth reached out to us about it being attacked.

Alleria Windrunner

I'd be off to Khaz Algar by now if I thought I could outfly Dalaran. That, and Magni refuses to tell me where it is. It's as if he doesn't trust me to stay put.

Well. I suppose there's precedent for that.

Gossip What have you been up to since our investigations together?

I continued to search for Xal'atath and her damned Dark Heart. Now that she has the ability to convert arcane magic into shadow, I wasn't keen to let the situation... fester.

No leads yet, though. I had hoped her interest in me may lead to something, but she's kept awfully quiet.

Like a lynx before its[sic] pounces.

Archmage Drenden

If Khaz Algar is in danger, Dalaran must come to its aid. Just as we have done so for our world so many times before.

After completing the quests, some characters once again have new gossip:

Lady Jaina Proudmoore

Dalaran, Horde, and Alliance. Rallying together to protect our world.

Just as it should be.

Gossip (Play Movie) Remind me of the events so far.


The council has decided. Dalaran will rally to Khaz Algar's aid.

Still, that doesn't mean we should rush in blindly. We must first prepare.

Gossip (Play Movie) Remind me of the events so far.

Anduin Wrynn

Once, I would have rallied to this cause. But now I can't help but see everything that could go wrong. What missteps await us on the path we chose today?

I can only pray that I'm wrong.

Magni Bronzebeard

Don 't be mistaking me. We need to get to Khaz Algar Without delay. But ach am I still tired.

Azeroth really packs a wallop when she wants to.


  1. B [68-70] The War Within
  2. N [68-70] A Poor Reception
  3. N [68-70] Azeroth's Voice
  4. N [68-70] Painful Lessons
  5. N [68-70] The Bronzebeard Family
  6. N [68-70] A Mysterious Warning
  7. N [68-70] Citizens of Dalaran, N [68-70] Meet the Team, N [68-70] Strengthen the Wards
  8. N [68-70] To Khaz Algar!
  9. N [68-70] Breach
  10. N [68-70] Rupture
  11. N [68-70] Departure

Patch changes

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