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Image of Drenden
Title <Kirin Tor>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 70 Elite
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Council of Six, Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Former affiliation(s) Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Member of the Council of Six, Archmage of the Kirin Tor
Location Portrait Room, Dalaran
Status Alive

Drenden is a human archmage and a member of the Council of Six, the rulers of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran.


Day of the Dragon

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Drenden knew King Aiden Perenolde of Alterac when he was younger. Aiden's betrayal of the Alliance during the Second War surprised Drenden, as he had not thought the man to be traitorous.[1]

In the lead-up to the Battle of Grim Batol, Drenden announced during a Council meeting that something was happening in the Dragonmaw-occupied Khaz Modan, and that he believed that Deathwing (who was at the time believed dead by the Kirin Tor) was still alive, as evidenced by the killing of two of Alexstrasza's consorts. However, the rest of the Six were more interested in discussing Gilneas' entry into the ongoing Alterac crisis. Drenden remained adamant that they should prioritize the Dragonmaw threat. Modera suggested sending a mage to Khaz Modan to observe the situation, and Krasus suggested Rhonin. Drenden and his colleagues were strongly opposed due to the fatal incident Rhonin had caused during a previous mission, but Krasus convinced them that he was the only wizard they could spare.[2]

Krasus later convinced the Six to investigate the identity of "Lord Daval Prestor" (in fact Deathwing in disguise).[3] Drenden attempted to break through the protective spells Prestor had placed around his chateau in Capital City, but was nearly killed by one of Prestor's magical traps in the process.[4] After recovering from the shock (Drenden insisted that it would "take more than that to kill me"), he and Modera visited Capital City in disguise to confront Prestor in person. They tried to magically probe him but were unsuccessful, and were quickly dismissed by the mind-controlled King Terenas Menethil.[1]

After the Battle of Grim Batol and "Prestor's" disappearance, the Six learned of Krasus' involvement in Rhonin's freeing of Alexstrasza and officially censured him, but gave him pardon since Rhonin's actions had brought the Kirin Tor back into the Alliance's good graces. Drenden informally extended a personal congratulation to Krasus (ignoring Modera's protest). Like the rest of the council, he was surprised when Krasus announced that he would withdraw for a time to be with his "wife"; after a short silence, Drenden spoke for all his colleagues, saying that Krasus had the right to do so and that they would not get in his way.[5]

Road to Damnation

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Drenden in Road to Damnation.

Drenden and Modera were long two of Kel'Thuzad's most vocal critics in the Kirin Tor. Prior to the Third War, they both accompanied the council's leader Antonidas when the latter confronted Kel'Thuzad and gave him the ultimatum of either abandoning his experiments with necromancy or being exiled.[6]

Years later, when Jaina Proudmoore and all six members of the Council met in Dalaran before the Attack on Theramore Isle, Drenden was not among them,[7] indicating that he had lost his seat on the Council sometime prior to the meeting.

Dark Heart

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Drenden rejoined the Council after Kalecgos abdicated his position following the war against the Primalists. Karlain was glad to see him again.[8]


On approach in the Portrait Room
Archmage Karlain says: It's been too long, Drenden! Glad to see you back in Dalaran.
Archmage Drenden says: It has. I'm grateful the council accepted me back so readily.
Archmage Karlain says: Of course. We're always in need of a mage of your talent.
Archmage Drenden says: And I mean to put those talents to good use, you can be sure of that.


  • Drenden has a baritone, stentorian voice.[2][3][4] He is blusterous, but Krasus respected him as a powerful mage and valuable member of the council.[4] Drenden in turn respected Krasus as the best of the Six.[1]
  • His name is likely a reference to detective/wizard Harry Dresden from the novel series The Dresden Files.
  • The PvE server Drenden is named after him.

Patch changes


  1. ^ a b c Day of the Dragon, chapter 13
  2. ^ a b Day of the Dragon, chapter 1
  3. ^ a b Day of the Dragon, chapter 6
  4. ^ a b c Day of the Dragon, chapter 12
  5. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 21
  6. ^ Road to Damnation
  7. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, chapter 12
  8. ^ N [70] The Harbinger

External links