Strengthen the Wards

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NeutralStrengthen the Wards
Start Archmage Drenden
End Archmage Drenden
Level 68-70
Category Visions of Azeroth
Experience 7,800
Rewards 21g 6s
Previous N [68-70] A Mysterious Warning
Next N [68-70] To Khaz Algar!


Strengthen Dalaran's defenses.


Magni's vision foretells that Khaz Algar may be enduring some... turbulent times. And so it is best to ensure that Dalaran is ready for the worst.

Here, take this wand. It's been attuned with Dalaran's defense magics.

Just wave it near strategic parts of the city to strengthen our magical defenses.


You will receive:

  • 21g 6s
  • 7,800 XP


We will be hard pressed to save Khaz Algar if our own defenses aren't strong enough to withstand attack.


Well done, champion.

Let's just hope it's enough. I would hate for anything to happen to our city right as the world needs us most.


On accept:

Archmage Drenden says: If Khaz Algar is under attack, we must prepare for the worst.
Archmage Drenden says: You'll need to perform the strengthening spell in key locations. The wand will do the rest.
A ward at the Violet Citadel

The character gains the Archmage's Vision buff:

Archmage's Vision — You are able to see the wards that protect Dalaran.

Wards are at the Violet Citadel, the northern Bank of Dalaran, Dalaran Merchant's Bank to the south, and outside the Violet Hold.

After the quest, Archmage Drenden has new gossip:

I'm glad I was able to help the council see reason. All of Dalaran shall be called upon to defend Khaz Algar.

Just as it was meant to be.


  1. B [68-70] The War Within
  2. N [68-70] A Poor Reception
  3. N [68-70] Azeroth's Voice
  4. N [68-70] Painful Lessons
  5. N [68-70] The Bronzebeard Family
  6. N [68-70] A Mysterious Warning
  7. N [68-70] Citizens of Dalaran, N [68-70] Meet the Team, N [68-70] Strengthen the Wards
  8. N [68-70] To Khaz Algar!
  9. N [68-70] Breach
  10. N [68-70] Rupture
  11. N [68-70] Departure

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