Celestial Blessings/Tactics

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This article is about the challenge fights. For information about the quest as a whole, see N [90] Celestial Blessings.

Xuen's Challenge (Melee DPS)


You will be fighting Wrathion, who will be blindfolded. He has 31M HP, but you will deal 250% extra damage by standing behind him when attacking. He will not melee you; his attacks come entirely from his special abilities.

  • Ability warlock fireandbrimstone.png Blindside — Standing behind Wrathion increases your damage dealt to him by 250%. Aura on Wrathion for the duration of the encounter.
  • Inv misc volatileearth.png Crumbling Arc — Wrathion jumps in front of you and does a semicircle AoE attack. It is an uninterruptable 3 second cast that you can dodge by moving out of the dust clouds. It hits for approximately 200k damage. Be advised that this ability is currently buggy, and you may get hit even if you are outside the dust clouds.
  • Inv elemental primal fire.png Reign of Fire — Fireballs rain down from the ceiling, doing damage if they hit you. You can easily dodge this by avoiding the black shadows the fireballs cast when they appear.
  • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth.png Blood of the Deathborn Interruptible — 2 second cast creates a void zone that deals about 50k damage/second. This spell can be interrupted.
  • Inv misc head dragon black.png Neltharion's Tears Important — About every minute or so, Wrathion summons or resurrects 5 adds. They have 500k health and melee for approximately 35k damage.
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Inferno Important Deadly — About 2 minutes in, Wrathion will spawn many images of himself, all channeling Inferno. A single attack (including AoE) will kill any images it hits. Hitting the real Wrathion will stop the spell and despawn all the images. If Inferno goes off, it will deal damage depending on how many images remain. It will kill you if you killed too few images. This repeats 3 times in sequence.


Stay behind Wrathion when attacking him, as he will take significantly more damage when attacked from behind. When he uses Crumbling Arc, get behind it to avoid taking damage. Interrupt Blood of the Deathborn to avoid damage, or if it does go off, get out of the void zone. When he uses Reign of Fire, simply watch and move out of the shadows to avoid damage.

About every minute or so, Wrathion will spawn several adds that will gain a stacking buff that causes them to move faster and deal more damage. This is what typically causes players the most trouble. If you have very good gear and can DPS the adds down, do so. Otherwise, CC and kite them as best as you can.

Eventually, Wrathion will spawn many images of himself, all casting Inferno. Use AoE to destroy the images as quickly as possible until the real Wrathion is found. This will repeat 3 times in sequence. Once this phase is finished, the fight will continue as before.

If the fight is going badly, you can abort it by simply running out of the arena, thereby saving you the repair bill.

Be advised that this particular challenge is considered by many players to be extremely difficult. If you have a tank or healing spec, it is recommended that you take Niuzao's or Chi-ji's challenge, even if your tanking or healing gear isn't as good as your DPS gear.

Yu'lon's challenge (Ranged DPS)


Wrathion is a level-90 elite dragonkin with nearly 20 million health and the following abilities:

  • Ability warlock fireandbrimstone.png Blindside — Standing behind Wrathion increases your damage dealt to him by 250%. Aura on Wrathion for the duration of the encounter.
  • Inv misc volatileearth.png Crumbling Arc — Wrathion jumps in front of you and does a semicircle AoE attack. It is an uninterruptable 3 second cast that you can dodge by moving out of the dust clouds. It hits for approximately 200k damage. Be advised that this ability is currently buggy, and you may get hit even if you are outside the dust clouds.
  • Inv elemental primal fire.png Reign of Fire — Fireballs rain down from the ceiling, doing damage if they hit you. You can easily dodge this by avoiding the black shadows the fireballs cast when they appear.
  • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth.png Blood of the Deathborn Interruptible — 2 second cast creates a void zone that deals about 50k damage/second. This spell can be interrupted.
  • Inv misc head dragon black.png Neltharion's Tears Important — About every minute or so, Wrathion summons or resurrects 5 adds. They have 500k health and melee for approximately 35k damage.
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Inferno Important Deadly — About 2 minutes in, Wrathion will spawn many images of himself, all channeling Inferno. A single attack (including AoE) will kill any images it hits. Hitting the real Wrathion will stop the spell and despawn all the images. If Inferno goes off, it will deal damage depending on how many images remain. It will kill you if you killed too few images. This repeats 3 times in sequence.


Try to stay behind Wrathion at all times to take advantage of Blindside. Being behind him will also help dodge the Crumbling Arc damage. He will frequently cast Reign of Fire, dropping fireballs from the sky, or summon a pool of Blood of the Deathborn, which acts as area denial. Several pools will be up at once, and he will always cast it on the position of the player, so take that into account.

Annoyingly, he will summon a handful of Neltharion's Tears, level 90 elemental blobs with 500,000 health that hit hard. The longer they're up, the faster they'll move, so aoe-kite them down quickly.

Every two minutes, Wrathion will split much like Jandice Barov in Scholomance does. Each split only has 1000 health, so quickly take as many of them out as possible, as they all are winding up Inferno and will chain cast it until the real Wrathion's found or the player is dead.

If the fight is going badly, you can abort it by simply running out of the arena, thereby saving you the repair bill.

Class Specific Information


It is recommended that hunters take the level 90 talent [Barrage] or [Glaive Toss] for dealing with adds.

Use your basic single-target rotation to attack Wrathion when there are no adds up, and avoid his AoE attacks. When he summons adds, use [Barrage] and Multi-shot to take them down, then use single-target attacks to pick off the stragglers.

When Wrathion splits into multiple images, use Multi-shot to take lots of enemies with each shot, or [Barrage] if it's off cooldown. Be advised that he splits 3 times in succession, with a short "normal phase" delay between each one. Take advantage of this time to build up focus with [Steady Shot] or [Cobra Shot] so you will have enough for the next split.

Chi-Ji's Challenge (Healing)



Most of the time, Deathwing will just melee Wrathion while spamming easily avoided traps around the room. If you're confident in your ability to soak damage, you can try tanking him yourself (taking care to avoid his frontal cone attack), but periodically he will fixate on Wrathion, so you will have to heal Wrathion as well as yourself. Simply use the same strategy as for single-target tank healing.

Keep in mind that Wrathion is not a party member, so abilities that work on party and raid members (e.g. [Wild Growth]) will not work.

Periodically, a pack of slimes will spawn and pursue you. AoE them down quickly (if you don't, they'll keep following you and will easily overwhelm you). Casting heals during this encounter buffs your damage, so it should not be that difficult.

Periodically Deathwing will disappear, Wrathion will stand in the middle, and earth elementals at four sides will start firing spines at him. During this phase, you should intercept the missiles so they hit you instead of Wrathion (they do more damage to him than you). Even weak heals should be enough to heal yourself, so use this opportunity to heal Wrathion to full before Deathwing reappears and phase 1 begins again. When Deathwing reaches zero health, the challenge is completed.

If the fight is going badly, you can abort it by simply running out of the arena, thereby saving you the repair bill.

This is possibly the easiest challenge, so if you're a hybrid class with relatively good healing gear, you may want to try it first.

Class Specific Information


The usual tank healing rotation, that is, [Soothing Mist] + [Enveloping Mist] and the occasional [Surging Mist] and [Life Cocoon], works well here. With a high enough item level it is even possible to fistweave Deathwing in melee.

Use [Spinning Crane Kick] to quickly kill the slimes. For extra healing, you can kite them near Wrathion, so that you can heal both him and yourself when AoEing the slimes.

Remember to use cooldowns. [Life Cocoon] on Wrathion gives you a much-needed break to heal him to full and regenerate some mana. [Revival] only heals yourself here, not Wrathion, so there's little reason to use it except if you're at low health for some reason.

Niuzao's Challenge (Tanking)

You will be tanking a Vision of Deathwing (Humanoid form) while Wrathion acts as Melee DPS. Deathwing has about 10M HP and melees for about 30K HP per swing, and Wrathion has about 1.5M. To win, you have to kill Deathwing without you or Wrathion dying.


  • Spell fire burnout.png Molten Arc — Deathwing does a semicircle AoE attack. It is an uninterruptable 3 second cast that you can dodge by moving out of the orange stuff. It hits for approximately 200k damage. Be advised that this ability is currently buggy, and you may get hit even if you are outside the orange stuff.
  • Ability monk breathoffire.png Molten Fury — A stackable DoT deals approximately 20k damage per 2 seconds. If it gets too severe, run away to drop stacks.
  • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth.png Blood of the Deathborn Interruptible — 2 second cast creates a void zone that deals about 50k damage/second. This spell can be interrupted. If it goes off, kite Deathwing out so Wrathion doesn't take damage.
  • Ability fixated state red.png Eyes of the Destroyer Important — Deathwing targets Wrathion and attacks him. Taunt Deathwing quickly so Wrathion does not take damage.
  • Inv misc head dragon black.png Neltharion's Tears — About every minute or so, Deathwing summons or resurrects 5 adds which chase you and deal melee damage.
  • Inv elemental primal fire.png Reign of Fire — Fireballs rain down from the ceiling, doing damage if they hit you. You can easily dodge this by avoiding the black shadows the fireballs cast when they appear.
  • Molten Elementals Important — Deathwing summons 4 adds in the cardinal directions from Wrathion. These adds launch missiles that hurt Wrathion for over 100k damage, but hurt you for only ~10k. You must soak up the missiles before they hit Wrathion.


Start tanking Deathwing immediately, as he will attack Wrathion otherwise. It is important that you maintain aggro on Deathwing as much as possible to minimize the damage Wrathion takes.

When Deathwing casts Eyes of the Destroyer, taunt him immediately to prevent Wrathion from taking damage. When he casts Blood of the Deathborn, it is very important that you interrupt him, otherwise Wrathion will likely take a significant amount of damage from the resulting void zone. When Deathwing casts Molten Arc, simply move out of the orange stuff and get behind Deathwing.

Deathwing will also summon adds about every minute or so. These adds need to be killed quickly, but are much easier to deal with than the ones from the DPS challenges.

Eventually, Wrathion will be moved to the middle of the arena, and 4 images of Deathwing will appear in 4 directions from Wrathion, producing a cross shape. These images will shoot orange missiles at Wrathion that hurt him very severely, but do only minor damage to you. Stand near Wrathion and intercept the missiles by moving into their paths. After this phase is complete, Deathwing will revert to the previous phase and the fight will continue as before.

If the fight is going badly, you can abort it by simply running out of the arena, thereby saving you the repair bill.

Many players have found the tank challenge to be significantly easier than the DPS challenges, even with only a partial or LFR quality tanking gear set.

Class Specific Information

Death Knight

It is recommended that death knights take the following talents: [Anti-Magic Zone] for magic damage mitigation, [Death Siphon] for extra healing and attack, and [Remorseless Winter] for extra damage and a stun.

Use [Death Strike], [Bone Shield] to mitigate damage. Heal yourself with [Rune Tap], [Death Strike], and [Blood Parasite]. Use your defensive cooldowns, such as [Icebound Fortitude], [Dancing Rune Weapon], [Anti-Magic Zone], [Anti-Magic Shell], and [Vampiric Blood] if your health gets dangerously low.

When Neltharion's Tears spawn, use [Blood Boil] or Death and Decay to get aggro on them, then DPS them down quickly.


It is recommended that warriors take the [Second Wind] talent for healing over time, [Dragon Roar] to help kill the adds, and [Storm Bolt], which will stun Deathwing and interrupt his Blood of the Deathborn ability.

You are likely to spend a significant amount of the fight a low health, but the healing from Second Wind should keep you alive. Use [Shield Barrier] to mitigate damage, and if your health gets dangerously low, use your defensive cooldowns such as [Shield Wall], [Last Stand], [Demoralizing Banner], [Demoralizing Shout], and [Rallying Cry].

When Neltharion's Tears spawn, use [Dragon Roar] to quickly take take off most of their health, the finish them with your other attacks.