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Atrenosh Hailstone

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NeutralAtrenosh Hailstone
Image of Atrenosh Hailstone
Title <The Healing Wings>
Gender Female
Race Blue drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level 68-70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Healing Wings, Blue dragonflight
Location Caldera of the Menders, Forbidden Reach; Valdrakken
Status Alive

Atrenosh Hailstone is a blue drakonid located in the Caldera of the Menders in the Forbidden Reach. She was one of the blue dragonflight members assigned by Malygos to watch over the slumbering dracthyr, and remained there for 20,000 years. After the dracthyr awoke, they healed Atrenosh and her remaining drakonid companions. Later, they moved to the Old Weyrn Grounds and subsequently helped defend Froststone Vault from the Primalists. After Raszageth was freed, Atrenosh picked up an unconscious dracthyr and escaped through the Lost Atheneum.

After Raszageth broke free, Atrenosh and her soldiers joined the Healing Wings and would subsequently discover that Malygos had died while they had been on the Forbidden Reach.

Afterward, she appears in Valdrakken.

Atrenosh later returned to the Forbidden Reach and is found in Morqut Village where she asks adventurers to find and return her her journal.[1]

She also attended the gathering in Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles after Fyrakk's death.

During an excavation in Winglord's Perch led by Roska Rocktooth Atrenosh was contacted to open a dragonkin cache, she was accompanied by Scalecommander Viridia.[2]


Caldera of the Menders
Froststone Vault
  • Ability mage netherwindpresence.png Nether Winds — Tap into Arcane energies to increase the haste of you and your nearby allies by 30% for 15 sec.
Lost Atheneum


Objective of



On approach
Injured Drakonid says: Return our <cough> weapons!
Healing Wing says: No! Why did you try to stop us from waking? Who gave the order to keep us confined?
Atrenosh Hailstone says: We obey the will of <cough> Malygos. Our Aspect warned us how dangerous <cough> your kind could be.


Before healing in the Forbidden Reach

*Cough* Back up... dracthyr- *cough*. I have sworn *cough* to keep you from this world at all costs. *cough*

We have been warned what danger your kind pose.

After healing

You healed me and my soldiers? When we would have kept you prisoner?

These are not the deeds of an enemy.


This place has... changed. The buildings are the same, but the people... the dragons...

Gossip How have you been adapting to the world?

Too many think they know my kind.
What few remain of my kind have forgotten who we were and what we used to stand for.
In many ways my small brigade is as out of time as the dracthyr.
Gossip I wish to talk about something else.

Gossip Why are you with the Healing Wings?

The Healing Wings showed my troops mercy when we offered them arms. Of all those we have met since waking up I find Viridia and her weyrn to be the most worthy of our dedication.
I know of no life beyond service to a worthy leader. With Malygos gone, Viridia has proven to be the axis upon which my ideology has pivoted. She is more worthy than she will admit, and her cause is more just than I could have imagined.
Gossip I wish to talk about something else.

Gossip What do you think about Malygos?

Deathwing sundered my Aspect. They were friends, and that wyrm shattered the blue dragonflight with the wave of a claw.
Were he not already dead I would march every soldier I could muster on the lair of Deathwing and bring back his head.
But we missed that. Lies and misfortune see my small brigade trapped eons after we agreed to sleep and watch the dracthyr.
My Aspect is dead. Few now remember what he stood for in life. They only remember the horrors Malygos unleashed before he had to be defeated.
Gossip I wish to talk about something else.

Patch changes



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