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Image of Al'dalil
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Al
Location Tazavesh, the Veiled Market; Zereth Mortis
Status Alive

Al'dalil is a broker from Cartel Al and the, self-proclaimed, foremost expert on broker culture. He is involved in the story of Tazavesh, the Veiled Market and in a side questline in Zereth Mortis.


He is first encountered in the Idyllia after reaching out to a Maw Walker for help.[1] There he explained that he was looking to stop the leader of Cartel So, So'leah, from assembling a dangerous relic of the First Ones, some pieces of which were said to be hidden in Azeroth.[2] The Maw Walker accepts to help him and after some investigation in Oribos they find out that So'leah can be found in Tazavesh, a broker city located somewhere in the In-Between.[3] Since broker cities tend to move from place to place, Al'dalil had lost track of Tazavesh and so the duo set on to the Night Market in Revendreth hoping to find someone there who knew about the location of the city.[4] In the Night Market Ta'nla the Identifier knew about the location but was not able to provide transportation to the city and instead directed them to Bounty Hunter Ta'oku, in Transfer Station Ta in Bastion, who owed Ta'nla a shipment.[5] There Ta'oku told Al'dalil and the Maw Waker that he could help them reach Tazavesh if they helped him retrieve a Prototype Aquilon that Ta'nla had requested on behalf of a client.[6] After the tasks was completed, Ta'oku gave them a  [Ta Coin of Favors] to give to Ta'meri who runs a ferry that travels between Oribos and Tazavesh.[7] After going back to Oribos and talking to Tameri they were finally able to travel to Tazavesh.[8]

In Tazavesh, after being refused entry by the city's security, Al'dalil told the Maw Walker to gather up a party since they would have to break into the city by force.[9] When the group was ready they went through Tazavesh Customs Enforcement and defeated Zo'phex the Sentinel. Once in the city proper, Al'dalil told the group they would have to gather the signatures of Tazavesh's leading cartels to access the Lap of Luxury, the place where So'leah could be found. They were able to collect Cartel Xy's signature in the Grand Menagerie, Cartel Zo's signature in the P.O.S.T., and Cartel Au's signature in Myza's Oasis. After finally reaching the Lap of Luxury, Al'dalil confronted So'leah who after a short talk teleported away to Azeroth and left So'azmi behind to deal with the group. After the Maw Walkers defeated So'azmi, Al'dalil was able to follow So'leah through her echo and the group traveled to Stormheim.

In Stormheim, So'leah was found in Aggramar's Vault where she acquired another piece of the relic and quickly left again once the group arrived and Hylbrande, the guardian of the vault, awoke. After defeating Hylbrande, the group followed So'leah to Boralus Harbor next where she stole the last piece of the relic from Timecap'n Hooktail and left Al'dalil and the Maw Walkers to deal with her. Once Hooktail was vanquished, the group finally confronted So'leah in the Opulent Nexus back in Tazavesh where she was in the process of unlocking the relic's power. During this final battle So'leah used the relic to transform herself into a creature of unbridled ferocity, rampant energy spilling from the artifact threatened to tear down the foundations of Tazavesh if she wasn't stopped. In the end, however, the Maw Walkers were able to defeat So'leah, her last words voicing a fear about the fading of her cartel. After her death Al'dalil collected the pieces of the relic and told the Maw Walkers that he would place them where they could do no more harm, and be studied by Cartel Al.[10]

He later travels to Zereth Mortis where he reunites with the Cartel Al expedition who vanished while searching for the mysterious realm. Discovering they have severed their ties to Tazavesh and Broker society, he initially attempts to convince his old friend Al'rana, now simply known as Rana, to return with him. She rejects his offer, but the two re-bond as he helps her and the Maw Walker perform maintenance on the camp, and then fend off an incursion by Cartel Xy into the camp's vault.


Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
Zereth Mortis



The Shadowlands contain many secrets. Some should not be discovered.


Tazavesh, the Veiled Market

Main article: The Al'ley Cat of Oribos#Notes
Main article: Seeking Smugglers#Notes
Main article: Dead Drop#Notes
Main article: The Veiled Market#Notes
Main article: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market#Narrative

Zereth Mortis

Main article: Enlightened Exodus#Notes
Main article: Security Check#Notes
Main article: Traces of Tampering#Notes
Main article: Broker Decloaker#Notes
Main article: Xy Are You Doing This?#Notes
Main article: Following the Leader#Notes
Main article: Technical Difficulties#Notes


Patch changes


External links

Al'dalil Enlightened Caretaker