Security Check

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NeutralSecurity Check
Start Al'dalil
End Al'dalil
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Zereth Mortis
Experience 8,150
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Enlightened Exodus
Next N [60] Traces of Tampering


Shield Conduit.

Investigate the Shield Conduits around Haven.

  • Northwest Conduit checked
  • Northeast Conduit checked
  • Southwest Conduit checked
  • Southeast Conduit checked


Shield Reinforcement Kit.

I do not understand--these are my brethren! How can they be so careless, so unconcerned with both Cartel Xy and the Mawsworn at their doorstep?

Their protective technology is antiquated. It will not keep danger out. If I cannot persuade them to leave, I can at least ensure they are safe where they insist on staying.

I do not want to lose my friends again.

There should be four hidden conduits around the edge of the shield. Take this kit. It will allow you to inspect and repair them, if needed.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 8,150 XP


Shields up!

Should those conduits fall, we will need to construct additional ones. Nobody wants that.


I knew it. Cartel Xy has been meddling with Haven's defenses!


Upon accept
Al'dalil says: Please come home, Rana. This place is treacherous.
Rana says: There is treachery, certainly, but there is also awe, sanctity, and eventually... enlightenment.
Upon checking the Northwest Conduit
<You bolster the device and notice an immediate improvement to the shields in this area.>
Upon checking the Northeast Conduit
The conduit whirrs unevenly, clearly out of balance. You adjust the device until it quiets, successfully repaired.>
Upon checking the Southwest Conduit
<Although unstable, you are able to successfully bolster the device--and Haven's defenses.>
Upon checking the Southeast Conduit
The device has clearly been tempered with. Try as you might, it cannot be repaired.
A Cartel Xy Saboteur appears and attacks
Cartel Xy Saboteur says: Stop right there!
Cartel Xy Saboteur says: Cartel Xy... will not... be stopped...


  1. N [60] Enlightened Exodus
  2. N [60] Security Check
  3. N [60] Traces of Tampering
  4. N [60] Broker Decloaker and N [60] Xy Are You Doing This?
  5. N [60] Following the Leader
  6. N [60] Technical Difficulties

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