Ta'nla the Identifier

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NeutralTa'nla the Identifier
Image of Ta'nla the Identifier
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 58-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Ta
Location Night Market, Revendreth

Ta'nla the Identifier is a broker located at the Night Market in Revendreth. A group of Redelav Fencers is waiting in line to order equipment. She is holding a Conscripted Vassal captive.

While in their quest to locate Tazavesh, the Veiled Market, a Maw Walker and Al'dalil seek Ta'nla for the information. While Ta'lna knew about the location he was not able to provide transportation to the city and instead directs them to Bounty Hunter Ta'oku who owed Ta'lna a shipment.[1]




Ah, greetings Maw Walker. Have you come to barter? I have many identities in my possession that could be yours... for the right price.

Gossip Tell me more.

I can easily demonstrate the worth of my services.
You are <name>. I know much of your many ventures on the world of Azeroth. You have slayed mighty dragons and other fantastic beasts across the world.
You arrived in Revendreth in search of anima.
I could go on if you like, but I reserve my services for paying customers.
Main article: A Very Special Guest#Notes


  • In the beta, they were named Intu'la the Identifier.

Patch changes



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