Following the Leader

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NeutralFollowing the Leader
Start Rana
End Rana
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Zereth Mortis
Experience 8,150
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60] Xy Are You Doing This?, N [60] Broker Decloaker
Next N [60] Technical Difficulties


Open the door with lock.

Investigate the Slumbering Vault.


We sealed the door to the Slumbering Vault when we first arrived. It is a sanctum, a cradle of all that is precious here. The power that sleeps within should not be touched by us.

If the Xy leader made it past the shields while we were distracted by the beauty of this place, I shudder to think of what they have already disturbed.

Hurry! We must go to the Slumbering Vault and ensure its safety.


You will receive:

  • 12g 87s
  • 8,150 XP


Cartel Xy must be stopped!


No! What has that fool done to the console?!


Upon accept
Al'dalil says: Please just come home. This is madness!
Rana says: I am already home. And now, my home is in danger. I must protect it.
Upon reaching the Slumbering Vault door
Rana says: The lock is broken! They must already be inside.
Al'dalil says: Quickly, Maw Walker, see if you can open the door with this console!
Upon entering the Slumbering Vault
Xy'kaz yells: Cartel Al. You sit upon a wealth of knowledge and do nothing!

Xy'kaz cloaks and runs away.

Rana says: No! What has he done?!

Al'dalil runs after Xy'kaz

Al'dalil says: Bah! My device isn't working on his cloak. I will keep trying!
Rana says: One of these buttons must turn it off!


  1. N [60] Enlightened Exodus
  2. N [60] Security Check
  3. N [60] Traces of Tampering
  4. N [60] Broker Decloaker and N [60] Xy Are You Doing This?
  5. N [60] Following the Leader
  6. N [60] Technical Difficulties

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