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Voraxian - visage.jpg
Gender Male
Race Black dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 71 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Obsidian Brood (Sabellian)
Location Obsidian Throne, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Voraxian is a black dragon located at the Obsidian Throne in the Waking Shores. He is heavily invested in the past of his flight, and has actively pursued leads on ancestral connections to the history of his flight alongside the Dragonscale Expedition on the Forbidden Reach.

His travels eventually led to the elder red dragon, Veritistrasz; whose melancholy was broken by an adventurer, and was willing to answer questions about the black dragonflight before their corruption.

He also attended the gathering at Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles after Fyrakk's death.


Waking Shores
Ohn'ahran Plains
Forbidden Reach
Zaralek Cavern


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A great adventure awaits us here, even Gulchak can sense it.

Buried Vault

I was not expecting watchers. Be careful.

Gossip How did you get in here?

I tunneled.
I am a black dragon. I may not have all the powers of Neltharion, but a small tunnel is not too difficult to make.


Above the Lost Canal
Main article: Lost Arvillo#Script
Pissed off on-click quote
(deep dragon voice) We aren't going extinct... but you might.


Patch changes

External links

Voraxian Generic name