Lost Arvillo

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The Lost Arvillo

The Lost Arvillo is a turtle boat that travels between the Uktulut Pier [45.2, 25.5] and Uktulut Outpost [15.8, 87.6] in the Waking Shores, taking ~23 minutes for a round trip.

Inhabitants and notable objects


Exiting the pier [43, 19]:

Nalyx says: That village we just visited, if you do not mind me asking, what is it?
Nalaa says: What do you mean?
Nalyx says: It seems different, people are not bustling around, it seems... quiet.
Nalaa says: Oh! It's our holiday destination!
Nalyx says: What is a holiday?
Nalaa says: Um, where we go to rest, recharge, relax, that kind of thing.
Nalyx says: Ah, you go there to sleep? That seems like a long trip just to go to sleep.
Nalaa says: No. No, huh, um, I have never had to explain a holiday to anyone before.
Nalaa says: Think of it like, a very long weekend.
Nalyx says: ... What is a weekend?
Nalaa says: This is going to be a long conversation.

Passing the Hissing Grotto cape turning south [12, 40]:

Voraxian yells: Roar! Roar!
Voraxian flies in, looking like he's about to start a strafing run.
Gotuk says: Captain! Captain! Black Dragon coming in for the attack!
Captain Brava says: No... No! Everyone brace. Brace!!
The inhabitants all cower in fear.
Voraxian says: Hahahaha, oh you are fine, I was not even roaring, I was just saying roar!
Voraxian says: It should get old, but it never does!
Voraxian says: Just passing by, letting you know that everything looks okay. No sea monsters or proto dragons in sight.
Voraxian says: Gets them every time. Hahaha.
Gotuk says: Captain... I... might need a quick dip in the sea after that.

Exiting the outpost [10, 58]:

Nalaa says: It's a pretty great view, right?
Nalyx says: It is incredible, it just goes on for ever and ever. Does it ever stop?
Nalaa says: Only when you run into land.
Nalyx says: How far away is the next bit of land?
Nalaa says: Depends what direction you go.
Nalyx says: I have only ever seen the Island I am from. It's just so vast out here.
Nalaa Smiles.
Nalaa says: I suppose it is. I've been travelling the seas all my life, so I guess I've gotten used to it.
Nalyx says: I don't think I could ever get used to this.
Nalyx says: Maybe it's a good thing if you don't, the world is a wonderful place if you take the time to look at it.

Later at [34, 37]:

Captain Brava says: A pod o'Tideskippers off to port!

Patch changes