Is Another Dragon's Treasure?

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NeutralIs Another Dragon's Treasure?
Start Voraxian [29.3, 53.0]
End Voraxian [29.3, 53.0]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Forbidden Reach
Experience 9500
Rewards 28g 9s
Previous N [70] One Dragon's Junk...
Next N [70] Verbal Archaeology


Talk to Voraxian in the Forbidden Reach.

  • Suggest a suitable person to Voraxian


I must admit, I am out of my depth here.

It is of black dragon make. The decoration on the pommel matches, but I have no idea what it is. Which I suppose is the point.

I have heard you have travelled[sic] the Isles. Do you have any recommendations on who to talk to?


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 9,500 XP


It is a fascinating object. I am tempted to tell Evorian it's a weapon just to see what happens when he tries to use it... but I suppose not. It might actually be really dangerous.

Would be fun to see his scales singed a bit though.


You think this Veritistrasz could help? I am willing to give it a shot!

Good suggestion, <name>.


Speak with Voraxian again:

Who should we talk to about the device?
What? The Mother of Dragons?
Oh, no. I would not want to bother her with this trifle. She is very important, and she probably does not have time for us.
I am sure she is doing important... Dragon... Mother... Things.
Gossip She would make time for me.
Ok, look. She is older than continents. She is wise. One look from her, and it's like she has seen everything you are and might be.
Quite frankly, I find her very intimidating.
  • Gossip She is nice when you get to know her.
She was at war with my flight for the last ten thousand years.
I am sure she is very nice to you, but I would prefer another alternative if at all possible.
Gossip I have another suggestion
  • Gossip She scares me too.
You get it.
Oh, that is quite the wind under my wings that another person feels the same way.
  • Gossip Yeah, I don't like her either.
It is not that I do not like her, I have not interacted with her to have that opinion.
I just... she has been at war with my flight for ten thousand years. Who wouldn't hold a grudge after that long?
No. He did serve under Neltharion during his... bad days... but at the time, they were not really "cultured" types.
Gossip I have another suggestion
Ah, no. No I don't think so. He seems like a good whelp, but he is a bit young to be an expert on the artifacts of ancient black dragons.
Gossip I have another suggestion
They could work, but when they came to the Obsidian Citadel, they said it would take them a year to identify the origin of some of the tables we had.
How ridiculous. They are tables! They are for putting things on! You don't need to know their origin. I would like to understand what we have found sometime in this century.
That is good thinking, though. Do you have any other suggestions?
Gossip I have another suggestion

After exhausting all of the above options, Voraxian has one last gossip option:

Gossip I know an old dragon named Veritistrasz that could help?
This completes the quest objective.


  1. N [70] One Dragon's Junk...
  2. N [70] Is Another Dragon's Treasure?
  3. N [70] Verbal Archaeology
  4. N [70] An Odd Round Object
  5. N [70] Second Time Is The Charm
  6. N [70] A Dusty Vase
  7. N [70] A Difficult Legacy

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