User:VraulJawrip/Jeremiah Alair

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AllianceJeremiah Alair
Image of Jeremiah Alair
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
Occupation Gilnean Noble
Location Silverpine Forest
Status Deceased
Alignment Lawful Evil

Jeremiah Alair was a former servant of Genn Greymane, king of Gilneas. He was once a wealthy noble prior to the invasion of the Worgen and infection of his people, a fact he despised greatly. A friend of Vincent Godfrey, Jeremiah Alair joined his fellow nobles in death by committing suicide rather than live life as a feral beast. He returned later as an undead and was slain within Shadowfang Keep.

Shadowfang Terror

After the Gilneas Liberation Front had seceded from Silverpine Forest, Jeremiah snuck through the area and found his old contact, Lord Godfrey, heading into the dungeon of Shadowfang Keep. Godfrey invited him inside with the rest of his now undead friends. Shortly after they took over the keep, a force of Horde adventurers came through and tore up all of Godfrey's minions residing there. Before they were able to capture him, Jeremiah again jumped off of the keep and to his death. All of his family and friends had already been either killed or turned into Forsaken, so Jeremiah was quickly forgotten in history.