User:VraulJawrip/Jarvis Jenkins

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MobJarvis Jenkins
Image of Jarvis Jenkins
Gender Male
Race Forsaken
Class Mage
Affiliation(s) Sparkdealer Cartel
Occupation Commander of the
Sparkdealer Cartel
Location Mudsprocket, Dustwallow Marsh
Status Active
Alignment Neutral

Jarvis Jenkins is an ancient, adept magi of the Sparkdealer Cartel who relishes in the anguish of living beings. His fierce servitude of the Cartel has led him to become a feared opponent when in combat. Formerly a servant of Sylvanas Windrunner, Jarvis fled to Kalimdor after a horrible experiment of his went awry and mutated several high-ranking officials who had to be put down. While not as insane as Putress ever was, Jarvis was a sure supporter of the deceased necromancer, seeing the living as nothing more than useful experiments for knowledge. While Razilius, leader of their Cartel, does not allow him to perform such experiments within their base because he does not wish to be found as a mindless murderer, he does overlook such deeds if Jarvis kills a foe in some battle elsewhere. Nowadays, Jarvis holds a small piece of influence in disguise within Mudsprocket until his name fades away from poster boards seeking to see his head on a pike. Jarvis, ever cruel, kidnaps adventurers who walk out of the small town a small distance away and experiments on them. Soon, if given the chance, Jarvis may create a being so evil and disfigured that he himself wouldn't be able to handle it.
