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Ironforge Connor Sheehan.jpg
Type Capital city
Races DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
Government Direct Democracy
Languages Dwarven, Gnomish, Common
Faiths Holy Light, Mystery of the Makers
Location Amenthis, Azjol'Nerub
Status Healthy
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

“A little bit of Ironforge, way up north and far down below. When your guard is down, it's good to have a wall at your back. Better to have a city.”

Chief Cartographer Ironbell

Doorward is the largest surface-dweller city in Azjol'Nerub and functions as the de facto capital for the forces of the Alliance and the Horde. It is located on the northern edge of Amenthis. A haven for the forces of the Alliance and Horde within the depths of Azeroth's underworld, this city of archaeologists and hard-bitten survivors has opened its doors to serve as a bulwark against the growing darkness. It is featured in World of Warcraft: Necropolis.


“Once this was Ahn'vexis, the City of Viziers. The dwarves may have gilded it with light and warmth but a cold cruelty lies just beneath the surface. If the viziers knew my part in this sacrilege, I would be executed. But they are dead, and I still live. Survival demands adaptation.”

Remembrant Thoth

Ahn'vexis was once a city of great importance, a ziggurat dedicated to the twin faiths of the nerubians; history and legacy. Azjol'Nerub's antiquated past was recorded, studied, and enshrined, while viziers peeled apart the secrets of reality that will be used to ensure its future. Power was inlaid into the very stones and vaults swelled with knowledge. However, for all their cleverness and spellcraft, the viziers fell to the onslaught of the Scourge, as did the rest of Azjol'Nerub.

Years later, Baelgun Flamebeard and the remnants of the Bronzebeard Excavation fled the surface of Northrend following Muradin's apparent death at the hands of Arthas Menethil. Familiar with caverns and subterranean living, the dwarves escaped into the ruins of the Upper Kingdom, evading patrols of undead nerubians and edging farther into the underworld. They found Amenthis to be relatively safe from the Scourge, constructing a tent city within the ruined shelter of what was once Ahn'vexis. Here, the dwarves made their stand, fighting off undead, nerubians, and, eventually, eldritch horrors that rose from the darkness below. Despite their valiant efforts, Arthas Menethil returned with guidance from the traitor king of Azjol'Nerub, Anub'arak. Doorward was razed and the remaining dwarves scattered.

It was only through the efforts of the Old Guard, a team of wizened explorers and once-confidants of Flamebeard, that the scattered forces of Doorward knit themselves back together. They fled to the surface, finding shelter in the new settlement of Valgarde. When the War in Northrend began in earnest, the Old Guard led a new expedition with the aid of the Explorer's League, resettling the city of Doorward to act as a center of archaeology, as well as keeping a close eye on Azjol'Nerub. Expeditions came and went, expanding the cities and its myriad digsites, as well as fostering diplomacy with the recovering nerubians.

Now, however, Doorward has become embroiled in an ancient conflict that threatens the rest of Azeroth. As political tension grips the city, Azjol'Nerub suffers under both the Hive Mind and the Ammit necromancers. Thrust into the spotlight, this bizarre research outpost has become a bastion of hope for the underworld.


Doorward's leadership has shifted dramatically over the years. Baelgun Flamebeard was its founder when it was little more than a tent city at the bottom of the world, an escape from the Scourge. Following his death, a group of explorers known simply as the Old Guard rallied the remaining dwarves back to the surface and the safety of Valgarde. Since then, the Old Guard has maintained a loose control over the city, leading expeditions to shore it up and continue their studies of the underworld. The Old Guard has never had any legitimate claim to the city, and its sovereignty is questionable. Not that it matters, as they tend to defer to the Explorer's League, who holds the Guard in high esteem. They govern with a light touch, keeping the city's defenses and infrastructure running, handling diplomacy with nerubians and other under-dwellers, while the archaeologists settle their own disputes.

Just prior to the War of the Underworld, a new group entered the fray of Doorward politics. Calling themselves the Stonefell Collective, they are a private archaeology firm sponsored by a number of esteemed Ironforge clans. Lead by Draugen Stonfell, they claim a right to Doorward and seek to honor the "legacy of the Titan's chosen children". Rivals to the Explorer's League, the Collective has nevertheless gained a significant following in Doorward, and has enough weapons and equipment to arm a small militia, funded by anonymous Ironforge senators. Tempers simmered throughout the city as factions competed for digsites, artifacts, and influence.

Then, war broke out. Nerubian royalists and Ammit cultists assaulted Doorward, while refugees from across Azjol'Nerub sought shelter within their walls. Following the city's defense, the Old Guard made a surprising move. They renounced their membership in the Explorer's League and cut official ties with Ironforge. They opened their doors to nerubian refugees and the Azjol-anak resistance. They even invited the Horde and the blood elven Reliquary into their ranks. The Old Guard has made their stand; they will be impartial leaders for the city of Doorward, a fortress for the disparate peoples of the underworld. No longer bound by petty Ironforge politics, the Guard have finally laid official claim to Doorward.

Many find it odd that the Old Guard would invite the Reliquary, their bitter rivals in the archaeology world, into Doorward. The Reliquary has never attempted to hide their shady actions and appropriation of magical artifacts. Some believe that the Guard utterly distrust the Collective, who continue to stockpile armaments in the city, and its nebulous goals of "reclaiming the mantle of the Titan's chosen children". As such, the Guard called in a wild card; another shady faction with mysterious goals, to act as a counterweight against the Collective. The Guard may be old, but they are clever and patient.

The Old Guard's center of power is Flamebeard Keep, located in the Highstep district of Doorward.


Originally nothing more than some tents and ramshackle barricades built on top of a ruined nerubian ziggurat, Doorward has since grown into a fortress, defying all expectations and reason. The bones of Ahn'vexis are strong, and solid dwarven engineering has been overlaid on top of nerubian architecture, further strengthening it. Doorward sprawls across the ziggurat, split into 3 levels of varying heights, referred to as Highstep, Midstep, and Lowstep.

Highstep, as its name implies, is the pinnacle of the ziggurat. Here sits Flamebeard's Keep, a fusion of dwarven-nerubian architecture that protects the Old Guard. Within the keep lies the Guard's Council, where much of the administrative work is done, but it also the location of the Doorward College, a center of archaeological studies and the city's accumulated wealth of knowledge. It holds the Archives, Relic Warehouse, and numerous other educational facilities. Highstep also hosts the various archaeological factions within Azjol'Nerub; the Alliance-favored Bronzebeard Expedition (an arm of the Explorer's League), the Horde-favored Reliquary, and the privately-funded Stonefell Collective. Tensions remain high between the three groups and the Old Guard.

Midstep is the middle layer of the city and is where much of the trading, supplying, and general living is done. Within an enormous, terraced shrine is the Last Light Market, center of Doorward's commerce. Last Light was once a humble supply post for expeditions, but as Azjol'Nerub received more attention, enterprising entrepreneurs set up shop and staked their claim within the underworld. Precious minerals and magical components flowed into the city, fostering new growth. Newly-arriving adventurers opened new markets for arms and armor. All of this newfound wealth was put to good use expanding the city and its defenses. As a result, Midstep is the most lively and well-lit of the city's districts, full of activity and noise. Immense sunstone crystals bath the streets in light, supplemented by kerosene lamps and strings of electric lights. Bunkhouses, specialty shops, and taverns opened up to give a small measure of comfort here at the bottom of the world.

Midstep also hosts Gearburg, a gnomish district that was instrumental in creating the city's infrastructure, from clean water and sewage to electricity and coal gas.

Lowstep is, as its name indicates, the lowest and darkest portion of the city. Much of Lowstep is devoted to industrial pursuits; metalwork, engineering, etc. Between the foundries and steam tank workshops exists a shadow city; the unseemly folk hiding from the world above. Dingy taverns and darkened streets nurture a paranoia common to those in the underworld; even dwarves were not meant to be this far below the surface. The Stonefell Collective seems to control much of Lowstep, using its warehouses to protect their goods and hiring local thugs as muscle. Contraband seized from Azjol-Nerub, ranging from priceless gems to forbidden artifacts, flows through Lowstep like blood.

Within a shadowed corner of Lowstep is Ahn'vexis, the nerubian district. Named for the old ziggurat on which Doorward rests, Ahn'vexis is home to the Azjol-anak resistance force, as well as a handful of nerubian refugees who have not yet made it to Ahn'zetal, where the majority of refugees are sequestered. Decorated with refurbished relics from the old kingdom, Ahn'vexis keeps the memory of Azjol-Nerub alive. Here, viziers pour over ancient texts, searching for a way to stop both the Ammit death cultists and the insidious hivemind.

The Underhalls are a system of tunnels that winds through the depths of the ziggurat. It is said a maddening presence suffuses every stone, inducing paranoia and hysteria in all who walk the halls. It tests loyalties and demands blood, pitting friend against friend, brother against brother. The tunnels twist and turn and shift, unearthing treasures for the greedy and monsters for the bloodthirsty. A warrior could become quite wealthy if they descend into the Underhalls, but they must be prepared to become both predator and prey, trapped in the schemes of a faceless voice.

Points of Interest

  • Flamebeard Keep: Seat of government and hosts the Old Guard faction.
  • Doorward College: Center of higher learning and hosts two factions; the Alliance-inclined Bronzebeard Expedition and Horde-inclined Reliquary. Contains vast libraries, museums, and storehouses of artifacts.
  • Last Light Market: Center of all trade and commerce in Doorward.
    • Bleakbarrow Treasury: Once the vault of material wealth for Doorward, it has now been refurbished into a bank.
    • The Sunless Solarium: A greenhouse that fosters underworld plant-life, perfect for herbalists.
    • Doorward Geology Guild: While often overlooked by Doorward's academic elite, the geology guild has insider knowledge on all of Azjol'Nerub's raddest rocks.
    • Goldstrike Prospecting, LLC: A mining supply store, Ol' Goldstrike asserts he has claims to Azjol'Nerub's richest ore veins, despite having no such paperwork.
    • The Haggard Hide: The elderly proprietor came to Northrend looking for challenge, and when he heard there was leather at the bottom of the world, he started digging.
    • The Gravel and Glyph: Rare inks and supple vellum are available to all who seek to unravel Azjol'Nerub's intricate inscriptions.
    • Periwinkle's Potions and More: An eccentric gnomish shop specializing in alchemy and mediocre life lessons.
    • Drogbar and Son's Really Good Jewelry: There's a sign out front that says "No one knows gems like a drogbar!!!" Some of the letters are backwards.
    • Weaver's Web: A tailoring shop run by nerubian weavers, hoping to keep their ancient traditions alive.
    • The Cognizant Cog: A family of gnomish machinists that occasionally deign to sell engineering supplies.
    • Leyline Luxuries: An enchanting supply shop, built on a secretive nexus of power.
    • Explorer's Armor and Surplus: Formerly dedicated to the selling of surplus arms and armor, it now caters to the adventuring crowd with an additional dose of blacksmithing.
  • Sunstone Plaza: An open-air plaza in Midtown, where visitors come to rest and relax.
    • The Mess Hall: When old archaeologists call it THE place to eat, they mean it literally was the only place to eat.
    • Baelgun's Bunkhouse: Once the quarters of Doorward's founding explorers, it caters to adventurers wishing for a more "authentic" experience.
  • Gearburg: Gnomish district and center of utilities.
    • Memories of Times Above: A gnomish tavern, styled as a "rest and relaxation center". Within the basement is a studio of artificial sun lamps and holographic paintings, dedicated to providing a semblance of surface life to the dwellers in the deep.
  • Ahn'vexis: Nerubian district and hosts the Azjol-anak faction.

The Underhalls

The Underhalls of Doorward spiral through the city's foundation like a spider's web. It is said that dark experiments were performed here by nerubian viziers, speaking to entities that should have been left alone. The Underhalls are a chaotic place, as stepping into them triggers the buff Loyal to the Blood, allowing PvP combat. Fighting other players within the Underhalls allows you to collect Sanctified Blood from their corpses, a valuable currency that can be used at Blood Altars to receive powerful buffs or other rewards, such as pets or mounts. Sanctified Blood can be obtained in ways other than PvP, however; the shifting halls continually reveal treasures to be found, or unearth monsters to be fought. Sanctified Blood can also be used to get the attention of a nebulous entity called the Peacekeeper; favors include Achievement boss cthun.png [The Peacekeeper's Eternal Gaze] , which stops all PvP combat within the area for a set period of time, or IconSmall GuardianEye.gif [The Peacekeeper's Eye] , an eyeball entity that hovers around you and protects you from PvP combat. Sanctified Blood can also be used to cause chaos or summon additional bosses into the Underhalls, allowing for even greater blood rewards.


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