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HordePrince Renathal
Image of Prince Renathal
Gender Male
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Venthyr Covenant, Horde
Status Active
Mentor(s) Denathrius

“The time of sires is over. Revendreth no longer serves a Master, but a Court.”

— Prince Renathal[1]

Prince Renathal, also known as the Dark Prince,[2] is a venthyr who leads the rebellion from Sinfall in Revendreth against Sire Denathrius. Convinced that the Master is behind the anima drought, he rallied a formidable force to lead a rebellion to succeed Sire Denathrius and make the anima flow once more.[3]

In contrast to his prideful father, Renathal is more humble and devoted to Revendreth's original mission. He also appears to enjoy taking chances on gambits that seemingly have very little chance to succeed. Despite his attacks on Castle Nathria and his attempts to unite the Court of Harvesters against Denathrius all initially ending in failure,[4] he refuses to let the Venthyr and the Shadowlands go out without a fight. He describes the war against the Jailer as something that will inevitably end in failure, but claims that there is excitement to be had in battling the inevitable.

Prince Renathal personally refers to Denathrius as father.[5][6] His blade Vorpalia is sentient like Denathrius's Remornia. He has a pet gargon named Vrednic. The dredger Breakfist was one of the last of Renathal's forces from his first rebellion left in Sinfall.[7] His former home is Darkwall Tower.[8]


Prince Renathal was the first venthyr crafted by the Denathrius's own hand in Sinfall. He was once a popular courtier within Denathrius’ Court and Harvester of Dominion. He has, however, considered conspiring against Denathrius in the past before the Harvesters knew of his treachery.[9]

At some point between the Maw Walker arriving in the Shadowlands and arriving in Revendreth, word of their presence reached Renathal, as well as his sword Vorpalia.[10] Renathal recognized the Maw Walker as one of Azeroth's champions.[11][12]

Believing that Denathrius was not acting in Revendreth's best interests, Renathal led a rebellion against him. Many Venthyr supported him, including two other members of the Court of Harvesters (The Accuser and The Curator), various nobles such as Duke Theotar, as well as stoneborn forces formerly of the Stone Legion led by General Draven. However, Renathal had relied on the  [Medallion of Dominion] to help him, and this caused Denathrius to know everything Renathal had planned.[13] Renathal was captured and flung by Denathrius into the Maw from Sinfall along with The Curator, and most of his allies were banished into the Ember Ward.

When the Maw Walker arrives in Revendreth, the area is in the midst of the rebellion that Renathal started against Denathrius.[14] Both Denathrius and Renathal's forces had hoped for the Maw Walker to ally themself with them.[15][16] Thanks to the interventions of The Accuser, the Maw Walker learns of the truth,[17] defeating The Fearstalker, obtaining the  [Medallion of Dread],[18] and rescuing Prince Renathal from the Maw.[19]

Immediately Prince Renathal orders the Castle sealed through the use of the mirrors that had previously barred entry into Sinfall to focus the Light onto the front gate of the Castle. He then proceeds to inform the Eternal Ones that Denathrius has betrayed the Shadowlands.[20] With his freedom and old and new allies, he attempts to confront Denathrius once again.[21] While he fails to defeat Denathrius, it does force his hand, hemorrhaging the anima stores of Castle Nathria through the Sanguine Depths under the Menagerie of the Master.[22]

Under his leadership, the Medallions begin to be gathered in Sinfall and a plan is formed. The Countess gives the  [Medallion of Desire] willingly,[23] The Curator retrieves the  [Medallion of Avarice] after regaining control of the Catacombs Ward,[24][25], and the  [Medallion of Pride] is regained from the Lord Chamberlain.[26]

With four of the Medallions gathered he leads the asssault on Castle Nathria with his forces, the Maw Walker, and others.[27] Denathrius is defeated but Remornia, in a final attempt to save her master, consumes Denathrius' essence into the blade and tries to escape to the Maw for him to be restored by the Jailer. Renathal traps Remornia and takes the blade holding the Master to Dawnkeep, where the naaru Z'rali has been granted authority as it is both closest to the Light and at a distance from any venthyr, and gives her the task of remediating Denathrius for eons, until he repents.[28]

A vessel to contain the power of all seven Medallions of the Harvesters is created: the  [Crown of the Harvesters].[29] The Crown of the Harvesters is obtained with the help of Forgelite Prime Mikanikos, combining kyrian ore and anima from both ascended kyrians of the Temple of Purity and Duke Theotar. The Crown is then purified at the Temple of Loyalty of Denathrius's control and influence after he attempted to take over the Maw Walker due to the nature of the power of the Medallions empowering the Crown.[30][31][32]

To consolidate his power over Revendreth, and with the help of his trusted contact Baroness Draka of the Necrolord Covenant after Kael'thas Sunstrider discovers a conspiracy between the House of Rituals and The Tithelord, the Tithelord is defeated and the  [Medallion of Envy] taken, and it is revealed that Kel'Thuzad had been given his Medallion.[33] Once again working with the Necrolords, the  [Medallion of Dominion] is retrieved by General Draven from Kel'Thuzad.[34] As he places the Medallion of Dominion in the centerpiece of Sinfall, Denathrius whispers to Renathal through the Medallion. The Accuser reminds Renathal of who Denathrius has become because of his lust for power. Renathal agrees and states that the Court of Harvesters will rule Revendreth in unity, sharing in power.[35]


  • Spell animarevendreth orb.png Regal Blast — Blasts the enemy with Shadow energy, inflicting Shadow damage.




Revendreth will return to its true purpose.
During the Ember Court scenario, during "Last Minute Preparations"
I cannot wait to meet all of the guests. This will undoubtedly be the best Ember Court yet!
During the Ember Court scenario, during "Tribute"
I do not relish requesting tribute, but am honored to receive it.
If used wisely, it may allow us to avoid the most horrible among the possible fates that lie before us.
During the Ember Court scenario, during "The After Party"
Relax, <name>, and help yourself to any of the leftover refreshments.
After such a fine court, you have earned a rest and reward.
Sinfall, upon joining the Venthyr Covenant
Sinfall when joining the Venthyr
This is where Denathrius sired his first Court of Harvesters, ages upon ages ago. Here he forged the medallions so that we each may share a piece of his power and carry out his will.
There was symmetry to him exiling me to the Maw in this place. He believed he was ending me where he created me.
Now we shall use this place to turn the tide against the Master of Revendreth and undo his very grip upon this realm he created.
Darkwall Tower, during the Venthyr Campaign - The Court of Harvesters
There was a time when I hosted such wonderful gatherings at this tower. Even the Master could be seen, smiling, enjoying his time. He was beautiful to behold then, the true sire of the venthyr.
I wonder how long he had been plotting with the Jailer. If even then his smile was a guise hiding his loathing for all of reality.
Sinfall, after competing the Venthyr Campaign up until the "Envy" Chapter
You will not face Maldraxxus alone, <name>. The full weight of Sinfall's army stands at your back.
The Observatorium of Castle Nathria after defeating Sire Denathrius
You and your cohort of allies have my eternal appreciation for your endeavors, Maw Walker.
Dawnkeep, after completing N [60R] Redemption for the Redeemer
It will take time. Time the likes of which your kind have yet to measure.
But in that time, I see my oldest friend, my closest confidant, and my greatest Master stepping forth from this pinnacle of lecture, his true purpose once again affirmed.




  • Ah! Our potential savior of the Shadowlands has arrived.
  • Come closer, my new friend.
  • Darkest greetings, Maw Walker.
  • Hello, Maw Walker!
  • And what can this humble fallen prince do for you today?
  • Welcome, my fellow doomed friend.
  • Come forth, catalyst of change!
  • I look upon you and dare to feel... hope.
  • We are doomed. Ah, but not without a fight.
  • We face the unending, undefeatable, undefiable darkness... together.
  • There is a simplicity in inevitability.
  • You and me against the end of reality... We might need some help.
  • There is no possibility of victory. Oh, is that not exciting?
  • The drought, the lack of souls, the Jailer... all connected.
  • I miss the good old days. Oh, when we were just trying to destroy each other for power.
  • The Master hoarded anima, lied, threw me into the Maw!... All of that I respect, but setting the Jailer free? Oh, <tsk tsk> too far.


Notes and trivia

Patch changes

See also


External links

Prince Renathal Generic name