Common Ground

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VenthyrCommon Ground
Start Prince Renathal
End Prince Renathal
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Venthyr Campaign
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] The Weak Link
Next N [60] Invitation for the Countess, N [60] Invitation for the Stonewright, and N [60] Invitation for the Tithelord


Place four of Renathal's Banners at Darkwall Tower.

  • Renathal Banner placed (4)
  • Speak with Prince Renathal at Darkwall Tower.


Now that we have a stronghold from which to operate we need to begin the next stage of my plan to wrest control of Revendreth from the Master.

We must convince the Court of Harvesters to convene. We must not have them come here, though. It would be suicide.

Go to my old fortress, Darkwall Tower, and place these banners at the four most distant points of the tower. This will ensure the power of the Harvesters and the Master will not be able to interfere with a neutral meeting.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


The Master likes to present himself as a calm, in control force. However, the force that he used to destroy my old tower reveals the nature of his... vindictiveness.


They may look like simple banners, but with the right words and a few appropriate spells, they turn this place into a temporary sanctuary.


Renathal's gossip upon completion:

There was a time when I hosted such wonderful gatherings at this tower. Even the Master could be seen, smiling, enjoying his time. He was beautiful to behold then, the true sire of the venthyr.
I wonder how long he had been plotting with the Jailer. If even then his smile was a guise hiding his loathing for all reality.


  1. N [60] Common Ground & N [60] The Princeguard
  2. Complete all of:
  3. N [60] The Court

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