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This article is a player character biography page for Luminarion of Chamber of Aspects Europe created by Luminous.

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Thearesse Vaed Orezaros
Image of Thearesse Vaed Orezaros
Title <The Luminarion>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 85
Class Epic paladin warrior, Paladin, Cleric, Fighter, Healer
Affiliation(s) Blood elfs, The Scryers, The Horde, Army of the Light, Argent Crusade, The Ashen Verdict, Shattered Sun Offensive, Blood Knights
Location Orgrimmar
Status Alive
Relative(s) Voren'thal Orezaros(Father), Lady Liadrin Orezaros(Mother), Salandria(Liadrin's adopted daughter)
Mentor(s) Keldan Goodman
Student(s) Salandria
Companion(s) Stibe the Cruel, Petrol the Insane

Thearesse Vaed Orezaros

The Burning Legion

Thearesse Vaed Orezaros, were born in Silvermoon City while the city were still chaos after the destruction of the Sunwell. Thearesse grow up in the Farstriders' Square in the Temple of the blood Paladins, raised by his mother Lady Liadrin, while his father Voren'thal was in Draenor under Kael'thas Sunstrider Command. When he got the age of twelve he started his paladin training, and showed out to be gifted with the influence of the Naaru, he didn't had to drain the powers like other blood paladins, but he couldn’t use his powers fully and still he had to drained most of his powers as all the other Blood Knights. As a very young paladin he joined the forces at the Dark Portal and fought though Draenor to Kael's stronghold, The Eye. He was hoping to find his father. As he entered Tempest Keep he was told by Commander Sarannis his father had left Kael's forces with his troops and weren't to find anywhere. Thearesse, didn't believed Sarannis, and together with The Horde, he Fought though The Eye and killed Kael'thas Sunstrider. Voren'thal had joined A'dal, and Created The Scryers and were the leader of the Scryers. Thearesse met with his father at the Scryer's Tier. His Father told him of his fight against Illidan, and how it was his own destiny and not Thearesse. Thearesse met A'dal at the Terrace of Light. A'dal told Thearesse he had a special mission for him. he had to seek out a paladin named Tirion Fordring at the coast of Northrend, and then he found him he should help him achieve his goal. [[1]]

The Frozen North

Thearesse flew with the zeppelins together with the forces of the Horde under leadership of Thrall, and found Tirion at the Icecrown. Tirion was looking for an army of champions to defeat the Lich King. Thearesse failed the Trial of the Champions and went to high mountains of Stormpeaks where Ulduar was getting attacked by the joined forces of Alliance and Horde. Here he met the alliance master paladin Keldan Goodman who showed him how to use the light without stealing the power but instead using the power he was gifted by the Naaru. Together with the troll rogue Stibe he met at the forces at Ulduar, they defeated Yogg-Saron. Thearesse went to the Argent Tournament Grounds together with Stibe and met the hunter Petrol, who joined them for Crusaders' Coliseum. together they defeated the Trial of the Crusader. Thearesses new ability's were all very powerful against undead. They joined Tirion and went to Icecrown. Within Icecrown Citadel Thearesse found the way to unleash his power properly. He lead one of the first attacks of the Icecrown with a special team to find out what horrors was hidden inside. The team made it through the first rooms of the citadel but got overruned. Thearesse fought his way back with the few survivors, killing over thousands of undeads. It was at this point he obtained the title, the Luminarion. He grouped up with Tirion and the champions of the horde and fought though the Icecrown Citadel to the top were the Lich King was wait for them. The Lich King froze Tirion in a block of ice, and in the middle of the battle, he suddenly killed the all the Champions including Thearesse, in one single mighty blow. Ultimately, the Lich King's plans were foiled when, just as he was about to raise them all into undeath, Tirion freed himself and destroyed Frostmourne with the Ashbringer, releasing all of the souls inside. The Lich King was severely weakened, and the ghost Terenas resurrected the Champions who defeated him alongside Tirion.

Rage of Ancients


Thearesse the Luminarion returned from Northrend, Just as an old enemy rises from the deeps of Azeroth, Deathwing!. Thearesse furiously fought the elementals which were enraging all over Azeroth and threads to bring an end to Azeroth. Thearesse teams up with Stibe and Petrol again. Petrol has gone insane while Thearesse and Stibe were fighting The Lich King, and he now demands them to call him Nuked. Thearesse finds out his holy powers are not only for the purposes of destroying, but even stronger healing the wounded in fight. While fighting a big battle inside the Blackrock Mountain Thearesse got badly wounded and got rescued back to Orgrimmar.


Thearesse possessed great skills in crafting Jewels and gems. Thearesee was the founder of the Luminous gems doing his time in Shattrath. later on he discovered new luminous gems back in Azeroth.

 [Luminous Fire Opal]
 [Luminous Pyrestone]
 [Luminous Flawless Ametrine]
 [Luminous Ametrine]

As Thearesse returned from Northrend, he started a trading company. As leader of the company he earned lots of gold from crafting Blacksmithing items, and Jewelcrafting.