User:Neutralion/Cage Antonus

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HordePainbringer Antonus
No image available
Title <The Betrayer>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Class Death Knight, formerly Warrior
Affiliation(s) Brotherhood of The Truncheon
Location Auchenai Crypts, Auchindoun
Status Active
Relative(s) Kyilia Antonus, Natya Antonus (sisters)
Mentor(s) Lady Alistra
Companion(s) Auchen'daar (Ghoul), Blighthoof (Deathcharger)
Alignment Lawful Evil

"And after I have dealt with you two, I will reforge the Shattered World in it's new destiny, where death is in my hands, as it should be! And then, my armies will wash over Azeroth and destroy your Alliance, Horde, even Scourge will bow to us!"

- Painbringer Antonus to his sister and Larcia Deathchill before Auchenai Slaughter.

Cage Antonus, also known as Painbringer, is renegade forsaken death knight liberated from Scourge after Battle of the Light's Hope, but betrayed Ebon Blade and decided to go his own way.


Years of Innocence

Cage Antonus was born along with this twin Kyilia at Boralus on island Kul Tiras, four years before their sister was born and their family moved into Lordaeron. Although their father was deemed criminal in Kul Tiras, he still had contacts on Lordaeron royal court and Cage persuaded him to ask if there wasn't place for his son as a page. And so, Cage became page of one of many Lordaeron knights, aspiring to one day become just as these brave men.


When Scourge attacked Lordaeron, Cage stood here, young knight in training eager to prove himself worthy of being initiated to order. He fell when Scourge conquered Capital City, along with his family. Fortunately, Natya was not here when it happened and Kyilia managed to escape through Khaz Modan. However, Cage was revived as undead and killed people he once knew for glory of the Lich King. Then, Sylvanas came.