User:Neutralion/Natya Antonus

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AllianceNatya Antonus
No image available
Title <Bansheemane>
Gender Female
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Warlock
Affiliation(s) Blades of Teldrassil, The Scryers
Occupation Founder and leader of Blades of Teldrassil
Location Xaramas
Status Alive
Relative(s) Rioku Scarletdrake (lover), Cage Antonus, Kyilia Antonus (siblings)
Mentor(s) Demisette Cloyce, Vitus Darkwalker, Kael'thas Sunstrider
Alignment Chaotic Good

"There is more to this than your transformation. After Fall of the Lich King, I fled, and found shelter in Gilneas. You are not the only one who... changed from us two."

- Natya Antonus, to Rioku Scarletdrake when they met each other after Rioku became blood elf and Natya worgen.

Natya Antonus is worgen warlock, founder and leader of Blades of Teldrassil. She is lover of blood elf ranger Rioku Scarletdrake, with their relationship complicated by Alliance-Horde war.


Early life

Natya was born in Boralis on Kul Tiras at year 4, being the youngest of three siblings. When she was born, Antonus family moved to Lordaeron because after incident with oil refinery, her father was deemed criminal. When she was about eleven years old, she begun to show magical abilities, like levitating their neighbour's cat. Her family decided to send her to Dalaran, where she would be taught how to control her abilities. Natya was good student, but elder mages was disappointed in her lack of interest in arcane magic. After three years of study, book of demonic magic was found in her room and she was penalized by heightened attention. For two years, she shown no signs of interest in darker side of magic. Then she met young high elf named Fiorr Scarletdrake, which shared her interest for darker magic. Two stolen impressove number of occult books and accessories and escaped from Dalaran, heading to house of Fiorr and his sister Rioku in Quel'Thalas. During years that followed, she found new trainer in her arts in prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, who, even though not being warlock sensed her potential snd helped her understand magic better. Natya and Rioku also became lovers. in work




Natya's voidwalker, for long time only ordinary servant of her. However, when Cataclysm hit, Natya found way to make him far more powerful, and thus, useful. She sent small contigent of Blades' sentinels in search for Deathwing the Destroyer, who was roaming the world in his destructive rage. They set false target in Stonetalon Mountains and when Destroyer appeared, they just let him burn it to ashes. After that, they quickly used enchanted vessels and gathered his flame. After they brought these everburning vessels to Natya, she used it to empower Thoglos. Now, cross between voidwalker and fire elemental, this being burns with eternal flame of Deathwing's rage. Able to turn his enemies to ashes by mere touch, he afterwards consuke their life and reinforce it's constitution with them. Since then, Thoglos acts as guardian of Xaramas.


Disnva, beatiful anf charming succubus enslaved by Natya acts as diplomat for Blades of Teldrassil. Possessing ability to transform inti charming human, blood elf, night elf, orc or even forsaken, Disnva proved unvaluable in many diplomatic summits. As a reason of being enslaved by Natya's mental powers, she developed strong crush on her, and Natya no longer needs to control her mentally. While very seducing, Disnva is also cruel, mainly against men. She wields whip fashioned out of flesh of many unlucky Defias rogues, obtained while Natya was in Westfall. It is also covered in spikes she obtained later in Silithus, dripping with silithid poison.


Nheehom is Natya's felhunter, and her most loyal and faithful servant. While other demons in her control are more or less enslsved, Nheehom looks to Natya with fanatical adorement and would do anything for it's mistress. Nheehom is no ordinary felhunter, being larger than other ones of his kind and with dark green tone along with toxic yellow stripes. During war in Northrend, Natya infused Nheehom with liquid saronite as reward for his services. This forced saronite spikes burst from his back abd hardened his skin, as well as adding insanity-inducing poison to his arsenal of deadly powers.