User:Neutralion/Meesha Silverlink

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NeutralMeesha Silverlink
No image available
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Class Priestess of Old Gods
Affiliation(s) Blades of Teldrassil (formerly), Old Gods, Twilight Hammer
Occupation High cultist
Location Unknown fortress of Old Gods
Status Alive
Relative(s) Kalana Silverlink (sister)
Mentor(s) Tyrande Whisperwind, Larcia Tiris
Alignment Chaotic Evil

"Look at you, Meesha. Twisted and helpless being, you willingly gave yourself to clutches of greater evil wishing no good neither you, nor any of us. You are not my sister anymore. It pains me what you have become. No, I reject your offer. And I will not allow you to spread your twisted religion."

- Kalana Silverlink, when her sister offered her to serve Old Gods.

Meesha Silverlink is former priestess of Elune, now high cultist of Old Gods and traitor to Blades of Teldrassil. She is sister to Kalana Silverlink.


Before she begun to serve Old Gods, she was priestess of shadow side of Elune, versed with powers of shadow and, to some extent, discipline. When she joined ranks of Twilight Hammer, she continued on expansing her abilities instead od turning to elemental powers. She can induce negative emotions, such as fear, rage, paranoia and hatred, as well as use standard abilities of shadow priests - attacking her opponents mind, engulfing them in pain, infecting them with shadowy plague and even taking over their minds and assuming powerful [Shadowform]. She gained more abilities from her dreadful masters, being able to corrupt blood and cause it to transform into blightbeasts, summon more powerful servants of her masters and transform her body to better fit with their nature - growing tentacles on it or even fully transforming herself into Faceless One. She has ability to breath underwater.


"Sanity is just another barrier standing in way of power of mind."

- Meesha Silverlink

Meesha can be in short characterized by three attributes: cruel, brilliant and utterly insane. Alliance never learned why she begun to serve Old Gods, but agents of Blades of Teldrassil suspect that it was more to this then just succumbing to promises of power that corrupted many before her. In fact, it was hatred to Tyrande Whisperwind that her sister so much adored. In Meesha's eyes, it was Tyrande who took her sister away from her, and that Kalana was just a plain fanatic. Later, when Larcia found Order of Moonshade, Meesha saw it as chance to prove her worth to her sister - and herself - and joined it, despite the fact the Order was absolutely loyal to same Tyrande she hated so much. Despite being very talented in shadow magic, fueling it with her depressions and hatred, Kalana was still favored over her, despite not even being shadow priest. Meesha, her slowly collapsing mind ruled with paranoia, saw this as another mockery by high priestess. She continued to work in Order, but she was filled with hate like never before. This continued for some time, until death of Larcia Tiris. Then, at burial in Arathi Highlands and subsequential ceremonion, Tyrande eleved Kalana to position of Order's leader. Wut?