User:Neutralion/Sale'tan Darkgaze

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NeutralSale'tan Darkgaze
No image available
Title <Light Eater>
Gender Male
Race Darkfallen (Undead)
Class Shadowmage, Nethermancer, Necromancer
Affiliation(s) Quel'thalas, Scourge, The Damned (formerly), Himself
Location Somewhere in Twisting Nether
Status Undead; Eternal
Mentor(s) Voren'thal the Seer, Blood-Queen Lana'thel, Cage Antonus
Alignment Chaotic Evil

"Embrace your... hunger. It's your best friend, your guide, and your instrument of doom against our king's enemies."

- Blood-Queen Lana'thel, soon after Sale'tan's ressurection.

Sale'tan Goldgaze is darkfallen shadowmage and nethermancer, formerly in service of The Damned. It consumed essence of void lord Nexunius, born from naaru Ha'li which was abducted by the Damned.


Life and Death

Sale'tan Goldgaze was born sixty years before First War. Soon after reaching twenty years, he begun his studies as fire mage. He very quickly reached rank of accomplished sorceror and continued his studies under Voren'thal the Seer. Afterwards, he became one of master mages in high elven kingdom and advisor to the king. After fall of Quel'thalas, he followed Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and helped him reclaim ruins of Dalaran. Later, he became part of Illidan's forces. He assisted conquest of Black Citadel, and afterwards followed Illidan to Northrend. That was were he saw his childhood friend Ziela die under effect of Death and Decay cast by lich Kryptikk Soulslayer. Enraged, he proceeded and along with spell breaker captain Thillean Emberscar killed the lich. As battle raged on, he was sent along with (living) High Priest Andorath to conquer small ziggurat of Scourge and set small forward base inside. Although they managed to break in, they were utterly exhausted by battle against swarm of ghouls. While they were able to fight off regular Scourge units, they were not suspecting attack from stronger foe. Ziela, ressurected as one of the first Darkfallen swept on back of frost wyrm and killed most of them. While Sale'tan saw that there was some undead warrior on back of dead wyrm, he did not knew true identity of rider. When Ziela landed, he was paralyzed by dread and Ziela pierced his heart.

Comin' Back Down

Sale'tan has come to unlife at time Lich King awakened, learning abiut his new identity from Blood-Queen Lana'thel. When he was fully in control of Lich King, he learned about culture of darkfallen and of blood princes - and decided to become one himself. After series of challenges, he succeeded. However, he discovered that fire magic wpuld not respond to him as it used to, and intuitivelly defeated his opponents with dark magic, embracing them in deadly shadows and draining their energy. His last challenge were two val'kry sisters Anya and Naya, Anya skilled in frost magic, while Naya used magic that ravaged souls of her opponents. He defeated Anya using whip of channeled shadow energy, but when he proceeded to destroy Naya, he found himself sucking all her essence into himself. As val'kyr are being composed of pure soul essence, he effectively consumed her whole being, gaining her powers and memories. As a blood prince, Lich King sent him on important mission. work in progress


In life, Sale'tan was master fire mage. His proficiency with fire magic was weakened by his death, though he regained his powers, along with nature magic when he drained essence of red drake Zakon Treewing. He further worked to twist dragon's abilities to bring them closer to school of magic he prefers now - shadow. Sale'tan is master of shadow magic, able to create entire waves of shadow energy with wave of hand. He also made great use of powers of Naya and Zakon, enemies which essence he consumed absolutely. He is able to damage souls of his opponents, drain them, afflict them and corrupt them, ability he gained from Naya. Zakon powers he twisted into mockeries of red dragonflight's principles, much to horror of Zakon's mate Sierstrasza, who sought to avenge her mate. He wields power of shadowflame, learning them by himself, and has skills of powerful necromancer and plagueweaver. After his merging with void god Nexunius, Sale'tan became uber-powerful. He has control over powers of void, able to summon it's denizens up to Void Lords and destroy with shadowy energy without even concentrating. He is able to travel trough Nether and not suffer neither physically, nor in any other way.