User:Neutralion/Blades of Teldrassil

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
AllianceBlades of Teldrassil
Main leader IconSmall Human Female.gif Natya Antonus
Secondary leaders

IconSmall NightElfDeathKnight Female.gif Larcia Deathchill
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Kalana Silverlink
IconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Rioku Scarletdrake
IconSmall Kvaldir Male.gif Arval the Mist Lord

IconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Hathkrax the Blind

Night elfNight elf Night Elf

HumanHuman Human
Ironforge dwarfIronforge dwarf Ironforge dwarf

Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
WorgenWorgen Worgen
Cenarius's childrenCenarius's children Cenarius's children
Ancient Ancient
KvaldirKvaldir Kvaldir
Tuskarr Tuskarr

IconSmall Hippogryph.gif Hippogryph
Capital Xaramas
Other major settlements Scarletdrake Residence
Theater of operations Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland, Northrend, Great Sea
Language(s) "Secret language"

Blades of Teldrassil are secretive organization created by Natya Antonus and fully dedicated to serving Alliance, and, more closely, Tyrande Whisperwind. It also incorporated Order of Moonshade after it was put into hands of Kalana Silverlink.


in work


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

As Cataclysm hit, things looked really bad for the Blades. With Natya Antonus lost in Gilneas, where she eventually became victim of worgen curse, they were lead by arguing leaders of factions in Blades. Even though return of Malfurion strenghtened their morale - and troops - open war with Horde was something they were trying to prevent since Wrathgate. While Ronae'Danil were trying to soothe hot head of Garrosh Hellscream without making suspicion, Order of Moonshade suffered the most. In core of order, traitors were found, loyal to Twilight Hammer. Kalana Silverlink's sister, Meesha, were among them. Traitors were put in Stormwind Stockade, but soon, they were sicretly released on behalf of corrupted Major Samuelson. They made quick escape, while Meesha planted seed of paranoia in minds of guards that released them. Next morning, they were found with blades covered in blood and wounds all over their bodies. Later on Meesha visited Kalana while she slept and tried to persuade her to join forces of Old Gods, demonstrating their power by cutting herself, and letting three drops of her blood hit the floor. Each of them transformed into blightbeast. Then, Kalana called her sister twisted and said that she regretted she would have to kill her. Meesha responded that either way, she will serve the Old Gods and tried to take control of her mind. Mental clash of two alarmed two sentinels walking nearby. As they charged in, blightbeasts jumped at them. While they easily cut them down, corrupt priestess gained enough time to draw ornate ritual dagger and bury it in neck of one of two sentinels. When she withdrew the blade, blood begun to poor from wound - spawning more blightbeasts. Afterwards, Meesha escaped. Meanwhile, Xaramas came under attack by Deathwing himself while on it's way to Stormwind, and survived only by crashing itself into Khaz Modan. Blades of Teldrassil survived only by great force represented by Aurora Watchers. As they were not needed that much in Northrend, they were able to dispatch forces to help both other divisions of Blades as well as Alliance as whole. This was possible mostly because of them gaining new leader - from depths of Azjol-Nerub emerged blinded nerubian seer Hathkrax. Hunted by undead and looked down upon by living nerubians because of his disgust with deities they worshipped,he was found near dead in southern Wintergrasp by Turenak Bloodtusk, he was brought to Xaramas and healed, even though many said it would be better to kill him, Natya Antonus stood for him. When, he woke, Natya offered him place in her organization. He accepted, partly due to his gratitude for saving his life and partly due to chance for being part of something. He worked his way to the top of Aurora Watcher's command structure, and was there to take his place when Roland Lightfist, previous leader died in battle with frostbrood wyrm running wild. He managed to save organization from destruction, reorganized it's ranks and became one of the most valuable members of Blades of Teldrassil. I'm too lazy to write something intelligent, so I'm taking a break.^^ in work

Sub-organizations and divisions

Alliance Xaramas

Xaramas is a necropolis conquered by Larcia Deathchill during war against Scourge in Northrend that now serve as main headquarters of Blades of Teldrassil. It does not use any of standard layouts for necropoleis, instead being built in pentagon shape with five wings, along with central area hosting various services to it's denizens and upper floor, reserved for commanders of Blades. Xaramas also have five small flying "towers" circling around it, each serving as defensive station as well as in different means.

  • Garden Wing

Most pleasant wing of Xaramas, this wing's walls was breached to create one massive room, while roof is replaced by magical impervious glass to allow sunlight pass into depths of this wing. It's floor is covered by mass of un'goro soil with diverse plantlife sprouting from it, at some points creating cute park-like areas, while at others resulting in dense jungle. This wing is overlooked by elderly and immersely wise tree of eternity, Gnarlface. It is populated by many druids and treajts, as well as few ancients, along with variety of natural creatures, some trained for war, some wild, but all loyal to Gnarlface and in turn, to Blades of Teldrassil. Beside these, Garden Wing is often visited by other inhabitants living on Xaramas seeking refreshment and rest. Garden Wing also host powerful ambassadors from another powers - Wyrmrest Accord representatives, three green drakes along with Kyilia Antonus, dragonsworn of Accord, while in small mist-shrouded lagoon here can be found Arval the Mist Lord, commander of Larcia's kvaldir.

  • Prison Wing

This wing hosts the most dangerous creatures in whole Xaramas - all locked under many magical seals and guarded by elite warriors of Blades of Teldrassil. This prison labyrinth is under control of Drahin Darkowl, night elf demon hunter with dark past, who is respected as opponent even by those he guards. This prison host creatures of immense power - void lords, twilight dragons, eredar warlocks, faceless generals and like. Still, Blades refrain from locking their most powerful prisoners here, instead creating hidden dungeons under watch of other divisions elsewhere. Magical locks are controlled by complicated system of magical lines connected into "keystone" in center of this wing, which is in turn controlled by runes etched into body of Darkowl. As such, only Darkowl can open the locks and their dispelling would require his death. Aside from these security measures, each prisoner is pacified by powerful magic and in some cases also by different means, such as Bazir, djinn who is kept in cell with no air.

Horde Ronae'Danil

Ronae'Danil is the most secretive of all sub-organizations of Blades, as ot serves directly in the core of Horde. Their main purpose is maintaining peace, task which became impossible since the Cataclysm and subsequent war. Now, they are at least trying to get to Garrosh and convince him to negotiate with Alliance, while other factions are trying the same with Varian Wrynn. They are based on high peak overlooking Silvermoon City and nearly all members are blood epves, but they have their agents in all capital cities of Horde. They would not betray Horde, but are trying to prevent any drastical measures it would apply to Alliance - and vice versa.

Alliance Order of Moonshade

AllianceNeutral Aurora Watchers

Aurora Watchers is division that serve in Northrend, and was formerly covering Blades operations here along with Xaramas. However, when Xaramas departed after war with the Lich King, Watchers remained as Blades only pressence on frozen continent, thought their troops are often used elsewhere. They have estabilished bases in Grizzly Hills, Sholazar Basin and Zul'Drak, and also possess four ships and two airships securing Northrend's skies and seas. They also have strong connections with Kalu'ak and are also well known for high percentage of death knights in their ranks.

The Swarmer

Newest addition to Blades weaponry, this airship was constructed just after Cataclysm hit and nerubian vizier and shaman Hathkrax the Blind joined the Blades. It is designed in shape of nerubian flyer, with claw like wings on sides on which are placed glaive throwers. The Swarmer was formerly used on Mount Hyjal, but it was then ordered to watch situation in Northrend. Hathkrax himself can be found on this ship, and from it, he oversees all operations of Aurora Watchers.

Name Role Status
IconSmall NerubianVizier.gifShaman Hathkrax the Blind Overseer of Aurora Watchers Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male.gifRogue Seevan Windwalker Captain Alive
IconSmall GnomeDeathKnight Female.gifDeathKnight Zia the Heartless First mate Undead
IconSmall Draenei Female.gifMage Xana Spellshower Navigator Alive

Horizon Destroyer

Second from two airships belonging to Blades of Teldrassil, this one was built in climax of war against Lich King by Ashen Verdict. It was made of refined saronite that did not harmed the minds of living beings on it's board and used only once during war - when it battled with four frostbrood at once to distract them, while heroes faced Sindragosa in Icecrown Citadel. Despite the fact that saronite it's made from is "safe", it is manned almost exclusively by death knights and lesser undead. Crew of this ship is known as The Phantoms.

Name Role Status
IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gifDeathKnight Oleas Plaguepraetor Captain Undead
IconSmall DwarfDeathKnight Male.gifDeathKnight Johan Goldshred First mate Undead
IconSmall GnomeDeathKnight Male.gifDeathKnight Nicholsson Main engineer Undead
IconSmall DraeneiDeathKnight Female.gifDeathKnight Black Fox Navigator Undead
IconSmall DraeneiDeathKnight Female.gifDeathKnight Blue Wolf Weapon master Undead

Silent Substance

Silent Substance is warship and partial submarine of Aurora Watchers that was built by Ashen Verdict and Gnomeregan Exiles. Similiarly to Horizon Destroyer, it is manned almost exclusively by death knights. Silent Substance is heavily reinforced by saronite parts such as plating and spikes. It doesn't look like ordinary ship, more ressembling grounded spiked turtle. It neither have masts and move thanks to engine fueled by liquid saronite. It has ability to seal itself and submerge and can descent into 25 metres depth. Weapon systems of this ship are pair of nerubian orbs stolen from Ahn'Kahet, blessed by Old Gods and able to fire projectiles of dark magic at very high rate and two dozens of seaforium torpedos on each side of ship. Thanks to it's subtle design and relatively small size, it is very agile ship. It seen most usage against kvaldir at Hrothgar's Landing and later was dispatched to help in Alliance in Vashj'ir.

Name Role Status
IconSmall NightElfDeathKnight Male.gifDeathKnight Tchok Bloodbath Captain Alive
IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Female.gifDeathKnight Bleeding Lianne First mate Undead
IconSmall Ghoul.gifRogue Genocide Navigator Undead
IconSmall Gnome Female.gifWarlock Sansa Cogflame Lead mechanic and engineer Alive
IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gifDeathKnight Rosh the Bludgeon Weapon master Undead


Villain was formerly Horde troll destroyer wrecked ashore at Sholazar Basin by Natya Antonus. Due to it's good build, Natya decided to see it back on waters and order Xaramas to move at place of shipwreck. Blades' forces repaired the ship and Mist Lord Arval decided to ressurect former captain, unknown darkspear troll to serve under Blades as test of his skills. Though he succeeded, troll was heavily mutated as result of Arval, taught in Death knight's magic, bursting too much unholy power into corpse. Revived troll, though fully loyal to cause of Blades of Teldrassil, became three metres tall dire troll and instead of using his real name, he begun to call himself The Mountain. With The Mountain being only undead onboard, Villain is the most "living" ship in fleet of Aurora Watchers. It has 18 cannons on each side od ship and two glaivethrowers built into the board of ship.

Name Role Status
IconSmall DireTroll.gifDeathKnight The Mountain Captain Undead
IconSmall NightElf Male.gifWarrior Sarmon the Coldblooded First mate Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female.gifDruid Neela Deathcrow Navigator and scout Alive
IconSmall Human Male.gifWarlock Marcus Demonheart Subjugator Alive
IconSmall Fiend.gif Devil's Son Marcus' minion, weapon master Alive

Promised World
