User:Neutralion/Larcia Deathchill

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AllianceLarcia Deathchill
No image available
Title <The Frost Embrace>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Undead)
Class Death Knight, formerly Priestess of the Moon
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Ebon Blade, Blades of Teldrassil, The Aldor, Kalu'ak
Location Xaramas
Status Undead; Active
Mentor(s) Tyrande Whisperwind, Amal'thazad, High Priestess Laurena, Arval the Mist Lord
Student(s) Kalana Silverlink; Meesha Silverlink
Companion(s) Black Moon (Deathcharger); Grindtalon ( [Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade]); Zararmi (Bronze drake)
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

"You know, Deathchill, you have had potential to become powerful servant of mine. I could sense it within you. But your mind and your pathetic 'higher goals' are shackling your power. It's only right that I will be the one to end your miserable existence."

- Painbringer Antonus, at beginning of fight which forced him to flee into Outland.

Larcia (Larce-aye-ya) Deathchill (formerly known as Larcia Tiris) is former Priestess of the Moon, Death Knight and Mistweaver-in-training in service of Blades of Teldrassil. She is known to use two styles of battle, one prefering frost magic and dual wielding, while second emphasizes on deadly two-handed strikes imbued with unholy magic.


Early life

Larcia Tiris was born into the family of simple merchant ten years before First War. She have had happy and calm childhood and never had to care about anything. That was until Third War, when her family was killed during invasion of Ashenvale. She was then forced to flee throught her ravaged homeland and hide from demons. She would have died on southern borders of Felwood when pack of felhunters attacked her, if not Tyrande Whisperwind had appeared. Her scouting party quickly defeated demons, but many of them were slaughtered by infernal beasts. This sacrifice for simple young girl caused that girl to develop strong devotion - even fanaticism - in Tyrande, similiar to Shandris Feathermoon before her. After the war ended, she begun to train at Temple of Moon in freshly built Darnassus and quickly ascended from novice to priestess. Then, her teacher sent her on a mission to Darkshore. However, when she completed it, her adventuring nature sent her into lands of Westfall. She hated it there. Just bunch of crazy farmers, rogue that kill everyone on the sight and not even a few trees to rest under. She couldn't stand it there, and set for Loch Modan. On her way, while resting in Stormwind, she met young human warlock Natya Antonus, who told her about her brother, Cage. Larcia quickly became good friend with Natya, however, much to dismay of priestess, never learned of what happened to him. She later also come to know Cage's twin, woman rogue Kyilia. Althought they never became as good friends as with her younger sister, they trusted each other and priestess often helped stealthy assasin. Kyilia was not so hesitant to tell Larcia her brother's tale, and that he has unwillingly became warrior in service of Scourge.

Order of Moonshade

When she returned from Loch Modan (after cracking few kobold skulls, seriously), she was tasked by high priestess for very delicate quest - she was to create an sub-order of priestesses of moon which would draw their power from the other side of Azeroth moons - that one, that you could never see, and so, it's always really dark there. Larcia, already well versed with this form of powers hesitated, but quickly agreed. Her first task as head of this "Order of Moonshade" was to estabilish stable base from which they would battle their opponents. She had already great place for this base to be build in inside her mind, and so she sat on first boat to Stormwind, and rode all the way from Stormwind to Darkshire on back of her frostsaber. When already here, she did a couple of tasks for local population, and discovered what she was searching for - haunted house on edge of Raven's Hill. She quietly cleared it of all evil lurking in it's shadows, purged it with light of Elune and created powerful barriers who bared anyone not devoted to moon goddess to enter. Afterwards, she went to Ashenvale to find group of priestesses who would be loyal enough to serve Mother Moon in such a way. At last, she traveled into ruins of Storngarde Keep where she recruited shadow priests, exiled from Alliance to act as teachers of this new order. In return, they would be allowed back into the Alliance. While she stayed at Arathi Highlands, she inevitably developed a strong bond to this place.

Boughs of Feralas

Soon after forming of Order, Kalana Silverlink, Larcia's apprentice received message from Feathermoon Stronghold that her brother diedo. Larcia decided to go there with her, and found that night elves there are suffering from violent attacks from group of orc raiders. She decided to track them and put this into end. While Kalana left for Darnassus, Larcia waited for next attack, this time at Thalanaar, and followed enemy's trail while it was hot. When she was near Camp Mojache, she met Raale Starplume, highborne who also followed this group, led by orc known as Grohal, because group's seer, tauren Sahan Stonemane took him his amulet allowing him to communicate with wild spirits of Feralas' faerie dragons. Despite of Larcia's initial distrust of highborne, two quickly became friends, and intentionally lovers. However, there was no time for such pledges, as Grahal's raid striked again, this time at small night elven settlement near Grimtotem Compound. While they was sleeping at middle of their way, during night, Raale blinked away. When she awoke, Larcia found that she was alone, and her lover left her small magical note, thay he couldn't allow her into such a danger and was going to handle enemies by himself. After reading this, she immediately set off to find him. She found him already locked in combat with Grohal's scouting party. She helped him finish them off and began to argue about her safety. During their conservation, Sahan's spirit wolf scout found them, and in a second few Grohal's underlings attacked them. Althought they were able to kill them, Raale was already out of mana when Grohal with Sahan attacked. Larcia sent him for reinforcments, knowing that it would be too late for her when reinforcments arrive. With sorrowful scream, he instantly teleported into Feathermoon Stronghold and surrendered to local sentinels. He very quickly explained them situation and offered them to teleport them there. They refused, don't trusting the highborne and decided to fly there instead. Raale, knowing that they didn't have enough time for this, tried to force them into portal, which resulted in them putting him into jail and taking hippogryphs to get there. When they finally found place of battle, all left there was just several cold, almost untouched corpses of Gralohal's mercenaries and bloodied body of Larcia Tiris. Sahan nor Grohal were not there. When they transported her body to Feathermoon Stronghold, Shandris immediately called for Tyrande. When high priestess arrived and saw her student killed by hand of orc, deep sorrow overtook her mind. She went with Larcia's body to Order's headquarters, where she was buried and Kalana became head of order.


For some time, Larcia lied buried near headquarters od Order. Then, group of Scourge agents attacked the Order, and althought Order managed to defend their holdings, their cemetery was ransacked by necromancers, and all corpses were either stolen or revived as ghouls. Larcia's body was taken to Western Plaguelands, and ressurected as Death Knight on altar in Scholomance by Darkmaster Gandling. Soon after, Scourge transported her to Acherus, from where she laid waste to armies of Scarlet Cruselade in Hearthglen and new Avalon along with her fellow death knights, including Cage Antonus, which later became her nemesis. After Battle for Ebon Hold, Larcia travelled to Scourge Cauldron she helped create while she served the Scourge, and there, she found that Cage have in fact not joined the Ebon Blade, but decided to wrestle with world against all. They had a duel on plagued field, in which Cage abandoned his runeblade in order to be able to escape. Larcia afterward informed Darion Mograine of Antonus' betrayal, and Darion helped her break bonds with Cage's runeblade.

Into the Broken Lands

Soon after Larcia became free of Lich King's will, she went into the Stormwind along with Thassarian and few other death knights loyal to Alliance. While she was there, she met her old friend, . When Natya heard of what became of Cage, and what he done, she asked Larcia to help her hunt him down and finally free him. Larcia returned to Ebon Hold and contacted Lady Alistra, Cage's mentor. Lady Alistra confirmed that Cage truly came to her soon after liberating of Acherus, and that he was more powerful than ever before. He was also wounded and did not said anything to explain his condition, he then set for Blasted Lands. Larcia returned to Natya. Both were pretty much sure that Cage was heading into Outland, and so, they prepared for journey and ventured through the Dark Portal. They spent some time trudging through ashes of Hellfire, and then their trail led them into World's End Tavern. From there, they went to Auchindoun, former place of countless deaths. They both could immediately sense that something was out of order. This place reeked of unholy powers, and fresh death. Soon after coming there, they were ambushed by group of skeletons under command of Goraz Soulscar, first generation death knight. Althought they were able to destroy most of their enemies, Goraz sent bone wraith against them, and they were overwhelmed by combined might of death knight and his creation. Goraz took them to Auchenai Crypts, where they encountered many death knights of both first and new generation, latter training under the former, both improving their skills in dark magic, necromancers practicing their arts, undeads grouping together and warlocks binding powerful demons to their will. Then, they were brought before Cage, now calling himself Painbringer, who with his typical maniacal calmness explained that he was head of this group of horrors, built from first generation death knights hidden all over Outland, called The Damned. Afterwards, he ordered them to be executed and raised as undead. Fortunately, Larcia was able to order her runeblades to end existence of all ujdead wretches that kept them in check, and they begun to run out. Almost near escape Cage ambushed them again, along with warlock Sunja Dwin and theu were forced to battle against them, fight that resulted in Larcia's face scarred by Sunja's hellfire, while Cage was severely damaged by night elf death knight's strikes and Sunja almost killed by Nheehom, Natya's felhunter. Then, duo was forced to flee from Auchindoun as Cage unleashed flesh beast called Gorgerip. They managed to escape from it, but their prey survived, and holed itself in depths of draenei necropolis.

Blades of Teldrassil

After incident which later came to be known as Auchenai Slaughter, Larcia became very unsure about her place in world. Althought she has vowen to defeat Lich King, burning desire to destroy Painbringer was pushing her into staying there and ignoring the war in Northrend. Natya made this decision for her - she offered her membership in secret organization known as Blades of Teldrassil, hellbent on serving Darnassus as best as possible. Larcia, who did not lost her fanatical admiration of Tyrande Whisperwind, quickly aggreed as she saw this as exit from this situation. Quickly after entering Blades, she rose to be right hand of Natya, who commanded it, and was sent to Northrend by Tyrande herself, who saw that war was going on too long.

 [Tuskarrmageddon] and Mystery of the Mists

Larcia boarded ship from Stormwind to Valiance Keep in Borean Tundra, and was quickly sent to field. After ruining few Scourge operations involving destroying Valiance Keep from both inside and outside, she encountered peaceful race of tuskarrs living on whole coastline of Northrend and when they asked for her help, she aggreed. Her walrus friends sent her to battle their newly arisen enemy - kvaldir, sea equivalent of vrykul allied with Scourge, seemingly serving no particular aim other than taking over the world for themselves and "Mist". Larcia first thought she would just slaughter every opponent she will see and move on, like she did for so many times. However, while she fought the kvaldir, she felt that if she could somehow persuade them into serving her, she would not only save Kalu'ak, as tuskarr called themselves, but also gain formidable army at her disposal. One by one, she felled leaders of Mist marauders, Gamel the Cruel, Ragnar Drakkarlund and Heigarr the Horrible. With those commanders dead, she took advantage and uusurped hold over kvaldir, althought unstable. Feeling that she would soon lose control of them, she persuaded one of them, Arval the Mist Lord, into helping her for exchange of secrets of necromancy. Arval helped her make her Kvirtal, amulet that strenghtened her hold over kvaldir.


After dealing with kvaldir and Scourge threats on south, including raiding Azjol-Nerub and killing the traitor king Anub'arak himself, Larcia pressed toward to Grizzly Hills and Zul'drak. While helping young troll Drakuru with his seemingly patriotic goals, she was informed of necropolis being dispatched from Zul'drak to Grizzly Hills to create new Plaguelands. She hurried to this necropolis at back of Grindtalon, eager to destroy this threat. After massacre on top of Citadel in which she killed darkfallen Prince Vastamar and his guardian, death knight Arlian Bloodhate, she proceeded into depths of necropolis to destroy it. After killing Anub'xochar, nerubian vizier in control of necropolis, she, however, decided to seize Xaramas for herself - and in turn, Blades of Teldrassil.



Meaning Teardrinker in secret language of Blades of Teldrassil. Made of purest saronite found in Northrend, this was runeblade made for Larcia by Master Corvus after she did few small tasks for him, including gaining components for this blade. It has long, slightly curved blade with four icy-blue glowing runes. In hilt, there is blue diamond made of concentrated souls of hundred Argent Dawn soldiers, which is also reason why Argent Crusade don't like to see Larcia with this weapon in their camps. Thryllomath's appetite for souls is reserved for those who are worthy enough, unimportant enemies are fed to Rigashril.


This runeblade fornerly belonged to Cage Antonus, but after duel which resulted in Cage's defeat, he was forced to abandon it in order to be able to escape. Later, Larcia, with help of Highlord Mograine managed to break bond runeblade had to her enemy, and link it to herself. Meaning Obliteration in Eredun, this weapon is short and brutal blade with square-shaped tip, perfectly adapted to slashing enemies by three edges, but absolutely unusable for stabbing. There are three runes etched to it's blade, glowing in orange, green and red colors. Hilt is short and wrapped in toxic skin of plague eruptor, and ends in bone spike. While Thryllomath feeds on soul of particullarly important enemies, Rigashril gorge itself in life essence of masses of enemies daring to stand against Deathchill's battle prowess.


Larcia always wear Kvirtal, small talisman seemingly serving no particular purpose. However, this little trinket is far more powerful than most people would ever think of it. Primarily, it was made to hold just a faint domination over kvaldir Larcia managed to wrestle under her control to prevent them from starting a rebellion, but later, it was inscribed by kvaldir runes that deepened Larcia's connection to the mists and allowed her to begin her study as mistweaver. Kvirtal is made of conch shell Larcia bought from Winterfin murlocs, which is inscribed by four kvaldir runes, and several smaller shells bound together by strong kelp she recovered from dead kvaldir. Larcia wears it as bracelet on her left hand.


Meaning Bloodstrike in thalassian, this was weapon of Arlian Bloodhate, darkfallen death knight whom existence Larcia ended on summit of Xaramas during her taking over it. While bearing elven name, origin of this weapon points to vrykul. It's greataxe with handle made off bone of mammoth, partially wrapped in nerubian skin to better fit in hands. Blade of weapon is one-sided, with other side ending in three fangs of proto-dragon. Blade itself is made of titanium and inscribed with vrykul runes standing for Carnage, Hunger and War. Larcia herself later inscribed it with rune that caused it to absorb magic, converting it into runic power and releasing it back at enemy as death coil. Larcia use this weapon when fighting with her more brutal style, using it along with unholy powers to slow opponent and cut it down with this powerful weapon.

Preceded by:
High priestess of Order of Moonshade
Succeeded by:
Kalana Silverlink
Preceded by:
Anub'xochar and Prince Vastamar
Controller of Xaramas
Succeeded by: