User:Lon-ami/Undead characters

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Personal page for research about undead characters.

Death knights

Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall LichKing.gif Arthas Menethil Lich King Scourge Killable Frozen Throne Icecrown Citadel Northrend
NeutralIconSmall TaurenDeathKnight Male.gif Aurochs Grimbane Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Death's Rise Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Brenners Initiate Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Shadow Vault Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall OrcDeathKnight Male.gif Crok Scourgebane Grand champion Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Frostwing Halls Icecrown Citadel Northrend
NeutralIconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Darion Mograine Highlord Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Light's Hammer Icecrown Citadel Northrend
NeutralIconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Dhakar Margrave Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Fleshwerks Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall OrcDeathKnight Male.gif Dranosh Saurfang Deathbringer Scourge Killable Deathbringer's Rise Icecrown Citadel Northrend
NeutralIconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Male.gif Keritose Bloodblade Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Shadow Vault Icecrown Northrend
HordeIconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Male.gif Koltira Deathweaver Warsong Offensive Killable Orgrim's Hammer Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Lankral Duke Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Shadow Vault Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall NightElfDeathKnight Female.gif Siouxsie Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Acherus: The Ebon Hold Eastern Plaguelands Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Stefan Vadu Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Light's Hammer Icecrown Citadel Northrend
AllianceIconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Thassarian Valiance Expedition Killable Skybreaker Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Thorval Lord Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Acherus: The Ebon Hold Eastern Plaguelands Eastern Kingdoms
HordeIconSmall TaurenDeathKnight Male.gif Trag Highmountain Taunka Alive Argent Tournament Icecrown Northrend


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall Gargoyle.gif Dreadwind Flight master Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Death's Rise Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Gargoyle.gif Gish the Unmoving Scourge Killable Eastern Plaguelands Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Gargoyle.gif Kirtonos the Herald Scourge Killable Chamber of Summoning Scholomance Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Gargoyle.gif Shalewing Pet of Drakuru Scourge Killable Voltarus Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Gargoyle.gif Stonespine Scourge Killable Stratholme Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Gargoyle.gif Zelfrax Killable Witch Hill Dustwallow Marsh Kalimdor


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall Geist.gif Corrosion Alchemy supplies Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Ebon Watch Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Geist.gif Deathdrip Poison supplier Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Ebon Watch Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Geist.gif Fineous Supplies Scourge Alive Unknown
NeutralIconSmall Geist.gif Gorebag Scourge Killable Voltarus Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Geist.gif Hargus the Gimp Supplies Scourge Alive Unknown
NeutralIconSmall Geist.gif Mulch Herbalism supplies Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Ebon Watch Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Geist.gif Squirmworm Trade supplies Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Ebon Watch Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Geist.gif The Leaper Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Shadow Vault Icecrown Northrend


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall Lich Female.gif Deathwhisper Scourge Killable Oratory of the Damned Icecrown Citadel Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Lich Male.gif Kel'Thuzad Scourge Killable Kel'Thuzad's Chamber Naxxramas Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Lich Male.gif Zarod Master summoner Scourge Killable Fleshwerks Icecrown Northrend

Plague eruptors

Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall PlagueEruptor.gif Bane Minion of Varidus Scourge Killable Warsong Slaughterhouse Borean Tundra Northrend
NeutralIconSmall PlagueEruptor.gif Coprous the Defiled Scourge Killable Mord'rethar: The Death Gate Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall PlagueEruptor.gif Darmuk Scourge Killable Reliquary of Pain Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall PlagueEruptor.gif Ick Mount of Krick Scourge Killable Pit of Saron Northrend


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall Plague-dog.gif Cerberon Scourge Killable The Avalanche Sholazar Basin Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Plague-dog.gif Glonn Scourge Killable The Avalanche Sholazar Basin Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Plague-dog.gif Gluth Scourge Killable Construct Quarter Naxxramas Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Plague-dog.gif Precious Scourge Killable Plagueworks Icecrown Citadel Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Plague-dog.gif Stinky Scourge Killable Plagueworks Icecrown Citadel Northrend


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall Wight.gif Barthilas Magistrate Scourge Killable Stratholme Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Wight.gif Edwards Squire of Siouxsie Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Acherus: The Ebon Hold Eastern Plaguelands Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Wight.gif Feugen Scourge Killable Halls of Reanimation Naxxramas Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Wight.gif Griegen Scourge Killable Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Wight.gif Koragg Amani tribe Killable Zul'Aman Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Wight.gif Putricide Professor Scourge Killable Plagueworks Icecrown Citadel Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Wight.gif Shambles Food and drink Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Shadow Vault Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Wight.gif Stalagg Scourge Killable Halls of Reanimation Naxxramas Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Wight.gif The Ravenian Scourge Killable Vault of the Ravenian Scholomance Eastern Kingdoms


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall FleshBeast.gif Festergut Scourge Killable Plagueworks Icecrown Citadel Northrend
HordeIconSmall FleshBeast.gif Gorerot Forsaken Killable Military District Gilneas City Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall FleshBeast.gif Rotface Scourge Killable Plagueworks Icecrown Citadel Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Cyborg.gif Bythius Flesh-Shaper Scourge Killable The Avalanche Sholazar Basin Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Cyborg.gif Grobbulus Scourge Killable Construct Quarter Naxxramas Northrend
NeutralIconSmall FleshTitan.gif Thaddius Scourge Killable Halls of Reanimation Naxxramas Northrend
NeutralIconSmall FleshTitan.gif Thrym Scourge Killable Zul'Drak Northrend