User:Lon-ami/Aqir characters

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Personal page for research about aqir characters.


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall Nerubian.gif Gashra Watcher Scourge Killable Gilded Gate Azjol-Nerub Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Nerubian.gif Kilix Alive Pit of Narjun Dragonblight Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Nerubian.gif Narjil Watcher Scourge Killable Gilded Gate Azjol-Nerub Northrend
NeutralIconSmall CryptLord.gif Nezar'Azret Queen Deceased Azjol-Nerub Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Nerubian.gif Silthik Watcher Scourge Killable Gilded Gate Azjol-Nerub Northrend
NeutralIconSmall CryptFiend.gif Anok'suten Scourge Killable Suncrown Village Ghostlands Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall CryptFiend.gif Anub'shiah Killable Ring of the Law Blackrock Depths Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall CryptFiend.gif Nerub'enkan Scourge Killable Gauntlet Stratholme Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall CryptFiend.gif Talet-Kha High priest Scourge Killable Spire of Pain Borean Tundra Northrend
NeutralIconSmall CryptFiend.gif Tuten'kash Scourge Killable Caller's Chamber Razorfen Downs Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall NerubianFlyer.gif Ith'rix Scourge Killable Warsong Hold Borean Tundra Northrend
NeutralIconSmall CryptLord.gif Anub'arak Scourge Killable Icy Depths Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall CryptLord.gif Anub'et'kan Underking Scourge Killable Icemist Village Dragonblight Northrend
NeutralIconSmall CryptLord.gif Anub'Rekhan Scourge Killable Arachnid Quarter Naxxramas Northrend
NeutralIconSmall CryptLord.gif Kryxix Lord Scourge Killable Geyser Fields Borean Tundra Northrend
NeutralIconSmall CryptLord.gif Naferset High priest Scourge Killable Spire of Decay Borean Tundra Northrend
NeutralIconSmall CryptLord.gif Talonox Underking Scourge Killable Pit of Fiends Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Anok'ra Scourge Killable Icemist Village Dragonblight Northrend
NeutralIconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Khit'rix Scourge Killable Valhalas Icecrown Northrend
NeutralIconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Krik'thir Scourge Killable Gilded Gate Azjol-Nerub Northrend
NeutralIconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Malas Scourge Killable Kolramas Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Nadox Elder Scourge Killable Hall of the Conquered Kings Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom Northrend
NeutralIconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Sinok Scourge Killable Icemist Village Dragonblight Northrend
NeutralIconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Tivax Scourge Killable Icemist Village Dragonblight Northrend
NeutralIconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Yath'amon High priest Scourge Killable Scourgeholme Icecrown Northrend


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall Anubisath.gif Roman'khan Emissary C'Thun Killable Bones of Grakkarond Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Anubisath.gif Setis C'Thun Killable Twilight Outpost Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Female.gif Sartura Battleguard C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Drenn Captain C'Thun Killable General's Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif He'al-ie Qiraji Major C'Thun Killable Shimmering Flats Thousand Needles Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Jo-rel Qiraji Lieutenant C'Thun Killable Barrens Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Ka'ark Qiraji Captain C'Thun Killable Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Nokhor Lieutenant General C'Thun Killable Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Pakkon Major C'Thun Killable General's Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Pax-lish Qiraji Brigadier General C'Thun Killable Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Qeez Captain C'Thun Killable General's Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Rajaxx General C'Thun Killable General's Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Tuubid Captain C'Thun Killable General's Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Xurrem Captain C'Thun Killable General's Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Yeggeth Major C'Thun Killable General's Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Zerran Colonel C'Thun Killable General's Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Zod Qiraji Officer C'Thun Killable Barrens Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Horusath.gif Ossirian C'Thun Killable Watchers' Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall ObsidianDestroyer.gif Moam C'Thun Killable Reservoir Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall QirajiProphet.gif Skeram Prophet C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall QirajiProphet.gif Skyriss Harbinger Killable Arcatraz Outland
NeutralIconSmall QirajiEmperor.gif Vek'lor Emperor C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall QirajiEmperor.gif Vek'nilash Emperor C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall SilithidWorker.gif Arakis Overlord Hive'Zora Killable Bones of Grakkarond Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidWorker.gif Rex Ashil Hive'Ashi Killable Hive'Ashi Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SandWorm.gif Engorged Blight Worm Burning Legion Killable Sewers Undercity Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall SandWorm.gif Fulgorge Killable Hellfire Peninsula Outland
NeutralIconSmall SandWorm.gif Hai'shulud Bone emperor Killable Bone Wastes Terokkar Forest Outland
NeutralIconSmall SandWorm.gif Ouro C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SandWorm.gif Serfex Killable Wintergrasp River Sholazar Basin Northrend
NeutralIconSmall SilithidColossus.gif Buru C'Thun Killable Hatchery Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidColossus.gif Kri Lord C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidColossus.gif Vem C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidColossus.gif Yauj Princess C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidTank.gif Haarka Killable Gaping Chasm Tanaris Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidTank.gif Lapress Hive'Regal Killable Hive'Regal Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidTank.gif Silithid Ravager Killable Rustmaul Dig Site Thousand Needles Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidTank.gif Soriid Killable Noxious Lair Tanaris Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidTank.gif Xil'xix Overlord Hive'Regal Killable Bones of Grakkarond Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SilithidTank.gif Zavas Clutchmother Killable Slithering Scar Un'Goro Crater Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SandReaver.gif Fankriss C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall SandReaver.gif Kurinnaxx C'Thun Killable Scarab Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Silithid.gif Aluntir Overlord Hive'Ashi Killable Bones of Grakkarond Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Silithid.gif Ayamiss C'Thun Killable Comb Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Silithid.gif Gorishi Hive Queen Hive queen Killable Slithering Scar Un'Goro Crater Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Silithid.gif Huhuran Princess C'Thun Killable Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Silithid.gif Qirot Zukk'ash Killable Writhing Deep Feralas Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Silithid.gif Stinglasher Zukk'ash Killable Writhing Deep Feralas Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Silithid.gif Zora Hive'Zora Killable Hive'Zora Silithus Kalimdor