Hall of the Conquered Kings

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Hall of the Conquered Kings.

The Hall of the Conquered Kings is the first section of Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom. It begins immediately inside the dungeon entrance on a platform and web bridge that has been taken over by Seer Ixit and their Azjol-anak forces, and which offers a commanding view of the rest of the Old Kingdom. This is followed by a large, multi-level, open-air structure infested with Scourge, including an egg-filled room occupied by Elder Nadox. Continuing northwest and outside leads down a ramp to the Befouled Terrace.


The first room inside the Hall of the Conquered Kings proper contains a circular pool of water which is occasionally disturbed by droplets falling from the ceiling, causing a swirling image of what appears to be the face of a C'Thrax to briefly appear. This was the first depiction of a C'Thrax in World of Warcraft, before the race made its first in-person appearance in patch 3.1.


Patch changes

External links