Echoes of the World Soul

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"Echoes of the World Soul" is the introductory cinematic for World of Warcraft: The War Within, first showcased during the BlizzCon 2023 opening ceremony.



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Uldum, exterior. The wind rustles as Anduin Wrynn sits on a high desert rock outcrop, Shalamayne stabbed point-down in the sand and wearing a tattered overcloak, as he stares off in the distance at something out of camera shot. The camera cuts in for a close up to show Anduin, disheveled and sporting a few-week-old beard and dry, cracked lips. He idly twists his gauntleted hand, rotating Shalamayne one way, then the other. Deliberately inhaling and exhaling, he closes his eyes for a moment.

World Soul: Anduin...

The World Soul, Azeroth reaches out to him as the camera shows the burning core of the planet, blazing like the surface of the sun. He opens his eyes, his focus reflected in them. The scene cuts to a title card:


Anduin, still staring off in the distance, is distracted by the sound and the flash of someone teleporting in nearby. He barely turns to look at the new arrival with a scoff, then returns his attention on whatever he has been focused on for a while. As the heavy footsteps approach, Anduin shakes his head.

Anduin Wrynn: You're here to tell me we don't get to hide. Is that it?

The camera focuses on Anduin's face, with Thrall walking up behind him over his right shoulder. As Anduin yells, Thrall comes to a stop behind him.

Thrall: You needed time. We stayed away, but time by itself heals nothing.

Upset, Anduin winces, and focuses on Shalamayne, tightening his grip. Thrall resumes walking closer. Still not looking at Thrall, Anduin cannot tear his eyes from his focus, still out of the shot.

Anduin Wrynn: You didn't just come here for me. It's the visions. You've seen them.

Thrall stops in line with Anduin, a few yards away. Thrall is also focused on whatever Anduin is staring at.

Thrall: I suspect many have, lately.

Thrall kneels, and with his left hand, reaches down to the sand as if to feel something deeper inside it. He closes his eyes to focus on what he is feeling.

Thrall: Something, someone, is calling out from the heart of the world like a voice from a dream.

The camera briefly shows the same burning sphere vision that Anduin saw. With a scream, it expands out and Thrall opens his eyes as he gets to his feet, looking incredulously at his left hand. He rubs his fingers together and the sand falls back to the ground.

Thrall: Something dark is coming, Anduin. The world needs your Light again.

Thrall walks up to Anduin and places his hand on Anduin's right shoulder. Startled by the touch, Anduin involuntarily remembers his encounter with the Maw Walkers in Sepulcher of the First Ones: Dominated by the Jailer, Anduin has been defeated by the adventurers and he retreats inside himself. The spirit of Varian Wrynn reaches out and grabs Anduin's left shoulder.

Varian Wrynn: My son...

Back in the present, starting to breathe heavily, Anduin leaps to his feet in a rage and holds Shamalayne out at Thrall! Betraying his internal upset, Anduin is shaking as he holds the sword out with his right arm. Anduin closes his eyes in an attempt to collect himself. The camera stays locked on Anduin's face, showing his distress.

Anduin Wrynn: I am not that person anymore! I have no Light. Not after what I've seen. Not after what I've done.

Not flinching from the sword, Thrall stays focused on Anduin, then looks down at Anduin's hand, still in a death grip on Shalamayne, trembling furiously.

Thrall: You are not your past, Anduin. I trust you.

Thrall steps forward, bringing the tip of Shalamayne into the leather strap of his chestguard near his heart. This snaps Anduin out if it, and he lowers the sword, blinking with emotion. They share a look, then all of a sudden some high-pitched screeching crashes through their skulls. They both grimace in pain as the World Soul screams out:

World Soul: Hear me!

The glowing sphere explodes with power! Thrall and Anduin are both doubled over from the pain, then Thrall gets back to his feet and Anduin sits up on one knee.

Anduin Wrynn: They're getting worse.

Thrall extends a hand out to Anduin. Anduin looks at it for a beat, then takes it with a smile, pulling himself to his feet.

Anduin Wrynn: Look, whatever's coming, I'll stand with you. Of course I will. But we were drawn here by the voice. Who is it, Thrall? Who's calling out to us?

Thrall breaks away from Anduin to look off in the distance, and Anduin follows suit.

Thrall: I'm not sure yet.

After a shot of both characters sharing a frame, the camera cuts to show their backs, revealing the Sword of Sargeras, towering over the desert in the distance.

Thrall: But that sword was aimed at someone.

The camera tracks forward and tilts up, showing the full extent of the sword. The camera cuts to a new scene. Out in the Great Dark Beyond, the camera tracks backward to reveal the planet of Azeroth, covered in an expanding web of cracks of fire. As the Eastern Kingdoms rotate into view, the "The World of Warcraft: The War Within" logo forms itself around the planet. Another title card follows: