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Rations and Revelations

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NeutralRations and Revelations
Start Faerin Lothar
End Faerin Lothar
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [78-80] The Weaver's Gift
Next N [78-80] Scrappy Straggler


Hand out 3 Arathi Rations.

  • Arathi Rations distributed (3)


We found these prisoners fleeing a nearby nerubian military base.

The circumstances of their escape are... unclear, even to them. As if someone else created the opening they needed to escape.

They need rest, but we need to find out what happened in there.

Food first. Maybe once they've regained some of their strength, they'll remember something.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP


We managed to throw together a simple stew of sorts. It's not the tastiest, but it has to be better than whatever they had to eat in spider prison.


These people have been through so much. Civilians--not even soldiers. Most of them didn't sign up for this. And yet they became prisoners of war.

If anything back at the nerubian base could give us an advantage, we have to take it.


On accept:

Faerin Lothar says: A meal should offer some strength and comfort, after all they've been through.

Place down a bowl of Arathi Rations next to Cataloger Coralie, Pathfinder Jeb, and Fialla Sweetberry, who are being tended to by Regald Hornfyre:

Cataloger Coralie says: The guards near us were arguing about "new orders." Then they just... walked off.

Coralie has gossip:

I joined the Dragonscale Expedition for adventure. To be the first to research the flora and fauna of new lands and document as much as I could.

So being down here... it's the opportunity of a lifetime!

To think, all this time, entire civilizations existed just beneath the surface--oh, if only my camera hadn't broken!

To the southwest are Archivist Betha, Coira Longrifle, and Breanni:

Archivist Betha says: A solvent was knocked over and dissolved the webbing of our cages. How fortunate!

Floid Mayslord, tending the three, has gossip:

This isn't the first time the nerubians have struck civilians.

We're lucky so many were taken captive. When it comes to our people, they don't tend to take prisoners.

Which leaves me wondering, why? Why take civilians? Merchants? Scholars?

To the north, Arluelle of the Nightfallen is tending to Ol' Toomba, Richard Hatstock, and Earthmender Narvra:

Richard Hatstock says: One man insisted on staying behind. Finn? Frynn? Might want to go get the madman before the venom does.

Arluelle has gossip:

A brief visit to Dalaran turned into... this.

Yet I cannot help but feel I am meant to be here, somehow. I have seen corruption, opulence, and the atrocities they wreak before.

I will do what I can to help. I must tend to the wounded and lend an understanding ear. They will get through this, as we did before.

Well... not all of us. But the survivors must press on with hope. Always.

Off to the west, Great Hexer Ohdo starts two optional quests: N [78-80] Infested Infestation, N [78-80] Prisoner Preservation.


  1. N [78-80] The Weaver's Gift
  2. N [78-80] Rations and Revelations
  3. N [78-80] Scrappy Straggler
  4. N [78-80] Force Your Way & N [78-80] Strategic Edge
  5. N [78-80] Let Fly!
  6. N [78-80] Not Quite Dead
  7. N [78-80] I Think I'm a Drone Now
  8. N [78-80] Specific Personages & N [78-80] General Admission
  9. N [78-80] Stolen Influence & N [78-80] Dalaran's Most Distressed
  10. N [78-80] Just Act Casual
  11. N [78-80] The General's Consensus

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