Raw Tiger Steak

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  • Raw Tiger Steak
  • Pandaria Crafting Reagent
  • Sell Price: 3s

Raw Tiger Steak drops from tigers on Pandaria, and can also be purchased from Nam Ironpaw at Halfhill Market in Valley of the Four Winds. One [Ironpaw Token] purchases a  [Sack of Raw Tiger Steaks], which contains five of them.

This is a highly-sought item because it is an ingredient for  [Pandaren Banquet] and  [Great Pandaren Banquet], as well as  [Noodle Cart Kit] and  [Pandaren Treasure Noodle Cart Kit]. It is also used to make  [Charbroiled Tiger Steak], which is useful for increasing reputation with Haohan Mudclaw of the Tillers.

As an ingredient



  • The best place to farm these is on Windward Isle off the northeastern coast of Jade Forest. The tigers on the northern part of the island are plentiful, respawn quickly, and have a drop rate in the 50-60% range. The only other mobs in the area are the neutral Shadowfae Tricksters, which are quite weak and are mostly little more than a nuisance if accidentally pulled. A full circuit of the area normally yields 15-20 Raw Tiger Steaks.

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