Krasarang Paddlefish

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  • Krasarang Paddlefish
  • Crafting Reagent
  • Sell Price: 25s

Krasarang Paddlefish can be caught from Krasarang Paddlefish Schools, which can be found in Valley of the Four Winds and Krasarang Wilds. They also have a common chance to be caught when fishing in open freshwater in Valley of Four Winds and Krasarang Wilds with high enough fishing skill. They are an ingredient in several recipes including  [Twin Fish Platter] which is used to gain reputation with Fish Fellreed of The Tillers.

They can also be purchased from Nam Ironpaw at Halfhill Market in Valley of the Four Winds; one [Ironpaw Token] purchases a  [Sack of Krasarang Paddlefish] which contains five of them.

As an ingredient


Objective of

Patch changes

External links