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Pathfinder Jeb

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NeutralPathfinder Jeb
Image of Pathfinder Jeb
Title <Expedition Supplies>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Affiliation(s) Algari Expedition, Dragonscale Expedition, Dream Wardens
Location Various
Status Alive

Pathfinder Jeb is a human member of the Dragonscale Expedition and later the Algari Expedition. He first appeared in Stormwind where he was recruited to join the Dragonscale Expedition and travel to the Dragon Isles. In the Dragon Isles Jebb appears in the Waking Shores where he taught adventurers how to mountain climb and also awarded them numerous rewards for their contributions to the expedition. Later he traveled to the Forbidden Reach where, alongside some other expedition members, directed adventurers in exploring the Zskera Vaults. Jeb was also among the individuals who fought against Fyrakk's forces at the Field of Flames in the Emerald Dream and attended the gathering in Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles after Fyrakk's death.

TheWarWithin-Petopia-Logo.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Jebb would also join the Algari Expedition. He was taken prisoner by the nerubians of Azj-Kahet when they attacked Dalaran, but managed to escape due to sabotage from Anub'azal. He could be found resting at Faerin's Advance after escaping the nerubians.[1]


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Pathfinder Jeb <Expedition Supplies>
Renown Item Cost Type
4  [Renowned Expeditioner's Cape] 10 Tattered Wildercloth 75 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic back
 [Renowned Expeditioner's Cloak] 10 Tattered Wildercloth 75 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic back
 [Renowned Expeditioner's Drape] 10 Tattered Wildercloth 75 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic back
5  [Small Expedition Shovel] 15 Dragon Isles Supplies
6  [Expedition Supply Kit] 75 Dragon Isles Supplies
12  [Relic Handler's Gauntlets] 150 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic plate hands
 [Relic Handler's Grips] 150 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail hands
Relic Handler's Gloves (leather) 150 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic leather hands
Relic Handler's Gloves (cloth) 150 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic cloth hands
14  [Ensemble: Renowned Expeditioner's Cloth Armor] 40 Tattered Wildercloth 750 Dragon Isles Supplies Cloth ensemble
 [Ensemble: Renowned Expeditioner's Leather Armor] 20 Resilient Leather 750 Dragon Isles Supplies Cloth ensemble
 [Ensemble: Renowned Expeditioner's Mail Armor] 20 Adamant Scales 750 Dragon Isles Supplies Cloth ensemble
Ensemble: Renowned Expeditioner's Plate 20 Serevite Ore 750 Dragon Isles Supplies Cloth ensemble
18  [Dragonscale Expedition Legguards] 150 Dragon Isles Supplies Plate legs
 [Dragonscale Expedition Greaves] 150 Dragon Isles Supplies Mail legs
 [Dragonscale Expedition Breeches] 150 Dragon Isles Supplies Leather legs
 [Dragonscale Expedition Leggings] 150 Dragon Isles Supplies Cloth legs


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Stormwind Harbor, Stormwind City 10-70 Alliance Horde During the first chapter of the Dragonflight campaign.
Wild Shore & Dragonscale Basecamp, Waking Shores 10-70 Alliance Horde During the first chapter of the Waking Shores storyline
Morqut Islet, Forbidden Reach 70 Alliance Horde
Fields of Reverie, Emerald Dream 70 Alliance Horde During N [70] The Age of Mortals.
Bel'ameth, Amirdrassil 70 Alliance Horde During N [70] Something Worth Celebrating.
Faerin's Advance, Azj-Kahet 78-80 Alliance Horde


Waking Shores
A Climber's Calling
Dragonscale Expedition Renown
Forbidden Reach

Objective of

Waking Shores
Forbidden Reach
Emerald Dream/Amirdrassil


Gossip and dialogue

Main article: Expeditionary Coordination (Alliance)#Notes
Main article: To the Dragon Isles! (Alliance)#Notes
Waking Shores
Main article: Explorers in Peril (Alliance)#Notes
Main article: Opportunities Abound#Notes
Dragonscale Basecamp
Main article: Orientation: Dragonscale Basecamp#Notes
Gossip at the Dragonscale Basecamp:

<Pathfinder Jeb inspects the knot on his climbing rope while he speaks.>

New explorers often ask me how I've survived in the wilderness this long.

They expect a deity or a guide, a list of tools, or some lucky trinkets.

But I just tell them one word: prepare. And it's the same thing I'll tell you.

The wilderness is harsh, but if you have a plan and the right supplies...

Well, it hasn't failed me yet.

Buy I want to browse your goods.

A Climber's Calling
Main article: Basic Climbing Gear#Notes
Main article: Smoke Over the Mountain#Notes
Forbidden Reach
Main article: Helping Hand and Claw#Notes
Main article: Exploring Our Past#Notes
Main article: Zskera Vault: Az#Notes
Main article: The Scary Vault of Ur#Notes
Main article: Maggots in your Eyes#Notes


  • You best be prepared.
  • Interested in a lesson or three?
  • There's nothing I can't scale.
  • If you're looking for adventure, I am you man.
  • Mountains to climb, vistas to see.
  • I will see you before you see me.
  • Don't forget to write.
  • Keep a cool head.
  • You're climbing the heights of my patience.

Patch changes



External links