Authentic Authorization

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NeutralAuthentic Authorization
Start Cataloger Wulferd [29.3, 52.7]
End Cataloger Wulferd [29.3, 52.7]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category The Forbidden Reach
Experience 9,500
Reputation +150 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 28g 9s

Authentic Authorization is a series of quests from Cataloger Wulferd outside the Zskera Vaults. Each week he asks players for a different Neltharion-aligned objective from within the vaults.


Find <the objective>.


The importance of this expedition can not be understated. I assure you, all who participate will have a place in history... along with me, of course!

If I can make one remarkable discovery, my scholarly legacy will be assured! But what will we find? A copy of Neltharion's signature? One of his personal letters? Can't wait to find something to share with my fans. Also, I'll have more fans!

If you would be so kind as to find me something memorable, I'll offer you suitable remuneration! I can pay!


You will receive:


Did you find anything?


What an amazing find. The mind reels.

Oh, and I can't wait to write about this discovery and publish our findings. We will publish... or perish trying!


Each week, Wulferd will offer a different quest, which will be the same for all players regardless of vault progression.


  1. N [70] Helping Hand and Claw
  2. N [70] Exploring Our Past
  3. N [70] Zskera Vault: Az
  4. N [70] The Scary Vault of Ur
  5. N [70] Zskera Vault: Ix
  6. N [70] Zskera Vault: Kx
  7. N [70] More Doors To Open

Patch changes

External links

Sealed Letter Neltharion-Signed Note Random Scribblings