Monk trainers

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A monk trainer is an NPC that offers monks the opportunity to reset their talents and change their specialization. A general rule-of-thumb for finding the local Monk trainer is to search for either a peaceful, secluded area where one may be meditating, or in a local tavern putting their drinking skills to the test. Because the leaders of the respective Alliance and Horde Pandaren factions are Monk trainers themselves, keep an eye out for the turtle mounts and Pandaren architecture!

Alliance Crest Alliance trainers

Location Monk Trainers
Eastern Earthshrine, Stormwind City
 Aysa Cloudsinger
Training Hall, Stormwind City
IconSmall Pandaren Male.gif Juisheng Halfclaw
IconSmall Human Female.gif Katrina Long
Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest
Stonefire Tavern, Ironforge
 Liu of the Bottomless Tankard
Anvilmar, Dun Morogh
New Tinkertown, Dun Morogh
 Xi, Friend to the Small
Temple Gardens, Darnassus
 Lanfen, Brewer of Fine Teas
Aldrassil, Teldrassil
Ring of Arms, Exodar
 Pan of the Martial Spirit
Ammen Vale, Azuremyst Isle
 Mojo Stormstout

Horde Crest Horde trainers

Location Monk Trainers
Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar
 Ji Firepaw
Barracks, Orgrimmar
 Huinli Wingpaw
Valley of Trials, Durotar
Echo Isles, Durotar
Spirit Rise, Thunder Bluff
 Tseh Rah, Peacebloom Teamaster
Camp Narache, Mulgore
War Quarter, Undercity
 Ao Jian
Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades
 Ting, Strong of Stomach
Farstriders' Square, Silvermoon City
 Sho the Wise
Sunstrider Isle, Eversong Woods

Neutral Neutral trainers

Location Monk Trainers
Mists-Logo-Small.png Greenstone Village, Jade Forest
 Brewmaster Tzu
Mists-Logo-Small.png Peak of Serenity, Kun-Lai Summit
 Fearsome Jang
 Iron-Body Ponshu
 Number Nine Jia
 Wise Scholar Lianji
Legion-Logo-Small.png Temple of Five Dawns, Wandering Isle
 Fearsome Jang
 Iron-Body Ponshu
 Number Nine Jia
 Wise Scholar Lianji
IconSmall Human Male.gif Lao Li the Quiet


  • The monk trainers are unique among class trainers in that they are almost exclusive pandaren; the first exception was the troll Zabrax, who has apparently been trained by the nearby Tsu the Wanderer, later followed by human monks Lao Li the Quiet and Katrina Long. In the case of the starting area trainers, this usually makes them the only class trainers which are not of that area's race. Before Shadowlands, they were also all level 90, despite the starting area trainers being found in areas where most other NPCs are somewhere around level 5.
  • Following the two pandaren groups' joining of the Alliance and the Horde, monk trainers traveled to each allied race's starting area to teach the ways of the monk, and also to learn the ways of the other races. These pandaren are distinctive characters, and in many cases have clearly chosen (or been chosen) to train that specific race due to their personalities. Some examples:

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