Mojo Stormstout

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AllianceMojo Stormstout
Image of Mojo Stormstout
Title <Monk Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren
Level 1-30 Elite
Class Pandaren brewmaster, Monk
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Alliance
Occupation Brewmaster, Loremaster
Location Ammen Vale, Azuremyst Isle
Status Alive

Mojo Stormstout is a pandaren monk trainer found in Ammen Vale in Azuremyst Isle.

He was on Azuremyst Isle when the Exodar crashed,[1] and offered to give the survivors aid.[2] Vindicator Aldar proposed that he help by teaching survivors fighting skills.[3]


Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.0.3.

A IconSmall Draenei Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Female.gif Monk [3] The Tiger Palm AvailablequestActivequest

World of Warcraft

Mists-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Mojo is the class trainer for monks located in the draenei starting area of Ammen Vale.


I'm just walking along, cataloging the local wildlife here in Azuremist,[sic] when suddenly...
BAM! <Mojo mimicks an explosion with his hands.>
I don't think I've ever heard an explosion that loud in my life!


A conversation between Mojo and Vindicator Aldar starts when a draenei monk player approaches.

Mojo Stormstout says: But, I am a master fighter, with extensive knowledge of this world's flora and fauna. Surely I can help?
Vindicator Aldar says: No - this is our problem, we must deal with it ourselves.
Vindicator Aldar says: But, here comes another survivor. Seems good with their hands... maybe you can teach them your fighting skills?
Mojo Stormstout says: Of course! It would be an honor.


Mojo Stormstout in Warcraft III.

Mojo compiled a guide on Warcraft information, known as Mojo Stormstout's Strategy Guide. His guide includes everything from the Third War and its aftermath. His guide includes military strategy and comprehensive taxonomy of the Warcraft Universe's inhabitants. Mojo was the replacement of Marn Thunderhorn.


Mojo Stormstout has maps of battle grounds, stretching from Azeroth to Outland.[4]


Mojo Stormstout has compiled a database of living creatures on Azeroth, including Northrend, the Maelstrom and Ashenvale. His collection of data extends to Outland, including the Black Temple as well. He has studied the movements, magic and attributes of most creatures. He also has vast knowledge of the taxonomy of the life-forms of the Scourge, Alliance and the Horde and others.[5][6][7][8]

Military tactics

Mojo Stormstout gives military strategies for the armies of the Scourge, Alliance, and the Horde. In particular, he knows different tactics based on the opposing force.[9]



This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He is probably related to Chen Stormstout and Chen's niece, Li Li.

Patch changes


  1. ^ I'm just walking along, cataloging the local wildlife here in Azuremyst, when suddenly... BAM! <Mojo mimicks an explosion with his hands.> I don't think I've ever heard an explosion that loud in my life!
  2. ^ But, I am a master fighter, with extensive knowledge of the world's flora and fauna. Surely I can help?
  3. ^ No - this is our problem, we must deal with it ourselves. But, here comes another survivor. Seems good with their hands... maybe you can teach them your fighting skills?
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^
  8. ^
  9. ^

External links