Hybrid class
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Hybrid classes are classes which can change their Specialization to take on more than one kind of class role: tank, healer, or damage dealer (DPS). They have baseline abilities that are part of their class that allow them to be flexible - like the damaging Retribution paladin using [Flash of Light]. A character using a "hybrid ability" in such a manner is normally not as effective as a player who has specialized and geared themselves for the role appropriately. Most classes are hybrid, differentiated from pure classes. In earlier expansions hybrid classes dealt less damage overall than pure classes, a design that was known as the "hybrid tax." This has since been eliminated, and DPS specs of all classes are expected to be relatively close in their damage output.
As the main stat on most gear will change with specialization, hybrid classes can easily keep most of their gear when changing roles. There are certain exceptions:
- The secondary attributes will not change with specialization, and some roles value certain stats over others.
- Certain trinkets, like the
[Echoing Tyrstone] have item effects that are ineffective on other roles and may even disable itself if equipped while in a non-matching specialization.
- The recommended weapon for a class can change between specializations, and may leave certain abilities unusable if the hybrid character does not change abilities when changing specializations.
Kinds of Hybrids
The most limited definition here would be any class that can fill any of the three roles, which only includes paladins, druids, and monks as hybrids. Blizzard consider hybrids to be any class that can take at least two roles, which would include shaman, warriors, death knights, priests, demon hunters, and evokers.
Three-way hybrids
These classes are the most flexible and can cover the three roles of tanking, damage, and healing.
Druids have four specializations, unlike any other class. Their two DPS specializations take on both of the major DPS sub-roles: melee and ranged.
- All specializations...
- Have access to
[Bear Form] and
[Growl] that allow them to be an emergency tank if needed.
- Can use healing abilities like
[Rejuvenation] to "spot heal" and support their team.
- Have
[Mark of the Wild], a raid buff that gives Versatility, a stat useful to every class.
- Have access to
[Revive] and
[Rebirth], a resurrect and battle resurrect, respectively.
Paladins change their weapons and trinkets when switching between their three specializations.
- All specializations...
- Have access to
[Hand of Reckoning] and can switch to a shield in-combat, allowing them to be an emergency tank if needed.
- Can use healing abilities like
[Flash of Light],
[Word of Glory] and
[Lay on Hands] to spot heal and support their team.
- Have access to
[Redemption] and
[Intercession], a resurrect and battle resurrect, respectively.
- Have access to "external" defensive abilities, like
[Blessing of Sacrifice] and
[Blessing of Protection], that can keep party members alive in critical situations.
- Have access to changeable auras, like
[Devotion Aura], that can increase their party's survivability.
- Can
[Cleanse Toxins] to help their healers dispel.
The monk is a hybrid that focuses on fists and feet to pummel their opponents into submission while using traditional herbal medicine with Pandaren martial arts to heal allies.
- All specializations...
- Can use healing abilities like
[Vivify] to spot heal and support their team.
- Have access to
[Provoke], and can Roll allowing them to kite as an emergency tank if needed.
- Have
[Mystic Touch], a raid debuff that assists physical damage-dealers in their party.
- Have access to
[Resuscitate] to resurrect fallen party members.
- Can use
[Detox] to help their healers dispel.
- Can summon various statues with different role-abilities, like
[Summon Jade Serpent Statue] and
[Summon Black Ox Statue].
Two-way hybrids
Six classes, shaman, warrior, death knight, priest, demon hunter, and evoker, can perform two of the three roles in an instance group.
The shaman have three specializations, choosing either a healing and DPS role. Their two DPS specializations take on both of the major DPS sub-roles: melee and ranged.
- All specializations...
- Can use healing abilities like
[Healing Surge] to spot heal and support their team.
- Have access to Earth Elemental which can summon an emergency tank if needed.
- Have access to
[Ancestral Spirit] to resurrect fallen party members.
- Can
[Purge] beneficial magic buffs from enemies, and can
[Cleanse Spirit] to help their healers dispel.
The Priest is the only class with two healing specializations, and can also turn to the powers of the void to deal damage.
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- Can assist with damage through
[Shadow Word: Pain] and
[Mind Blast].
- Have
[Power Word: Fortitude], a raid buff that gives Stamina, a stat useful to every class.
- Can use
[Power Infusion] to temporarily give a large amount of haste to party members, also useful for almost every class.
- Can use
- Can use
[Purify Disease] to help their healers dispel.
- Can use abilities like
[Vampiric Embrace] and
[Halo] for party healing.
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Death knight
The death knight is a melee fighter that wields dark magic and runeforged weapons, and is able to tank or DPS.
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Demon Hunter
- All specializations...
- All specializations...