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Rezzer is a nickname for any party member who can "rez" (resurrect), meaning it is essentially synonymous with healer. Considering even certain non-healing classes can ressurect, it is very unlikely that you will ever need to look for a separate player to fill the role of "rezzer". It's a common strategy in instances to [Soulstone] the healer before a raid wipe as to have a rezzer to revive everyone else if the entire party is slain.

Most common rezzers

Anyone with a Mass Ressurection is able to return entire raids to life very quickly.

Engineers might be considered "secondary rezzers" as they can use  [Goblin Jumper Cables] and S.A.V.I.O.R.


  • This was a problem with parties that relied on a druid healer because they could only resurrect once every 20 minutes using [Rebirth].