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A leader, also known as group leader (in a group) or raid leader (in a raid) is a player that's promoted to the leader of a raid or group through the game system. Usually identified by a small crown icon () near their portrait. They control certain aspects of a pre-made party, like removing members or adding group members through the premade group finder, issuing Raid Warnings, and placing Target markers in the world.
Simply because a player has the in-game role of leader does not require them to act as one - This is especially the case in Dungeon Finder groups and BGs, where players are placed in groups or raids by the game system rather than manually creating them. As groups or raids will always automatically promote a player as leader, many leaders become so purely by random. Given how PuGs and BGs often don't require any leaders, the promoted leader will act just like a "normal player".
- Any chats from the leader will be a different color than chat from other members.
- The leader role is relevant when leaving a raid while inside a raid instance. If you are not a leader, leaving the raid will teleport you out. If you are a leader, this will not happen.
See also
- Party for more details on what a leader can do in a party.
- Invite
- Uninvite
- Leave Party
- Promote to Leader