Helping the Hunters

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NeutralHelping the Hunters
Start Ildine Sorrowspear
End Jace Darkweaver [43.1, 43.6]
Level 10-45
Category Enchanting
Experience 15,070
Previous N Enchanting [10-45] The Last Few
Next N Enchanting [10-45] In the Loop
N Enchanting [10-45] Strings of the Puppet Masters


Deliver the crate of vellums to Jace Darkweaver in Azsuna.


Now, while I continue to fill the rest of our orders, I'd really appreciate it if you would deliver these vellums to Jace Darkweaver down in Azsuna.

He and the other demon hunters have been fighting back the Legion for quite some time and could use this as quickly as possible.

Thanks, <name>!


You will receive:


<Jace takes the crate from you and peers inside.>

The vellums! They're finally here.


Patch changes

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