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The Absent Priestess

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NeutralThe Absent Priestess
Start Priestess Driana
End Enchantress Ilanya
Level 10-45
Category Enchanting
Experience 16,170
Rewards Driana's Enchantments
17g 97s 50c
Previous N Enchanting [10-45] Washed Clean


Return to Enchantress Ilanya at the Crumbled Palace in Azsuna.


After my betrayal, I never thought I could bear to look upon my love again. But thanks to you, <name>, I can at last return.

Go and speak to Enchantress Ilanya. I will let her know that you are worthy of my mark.


You will learn: Driana's Enchantments

You will also receive:

  • 17g 97s 50c
  • 16,170 XP


You have returned my love to me and for that I am forever grateful.

As she is with me now, she shall be at your beck and call should you need her. I grant to you her marks.


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