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The Druid's Debt

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NeutralThe Druid's Debt
Start Merrus Dawnwind
End Merrus Dawnwind
Level 10-45
Category Enchanting
Experience 16,170
Rewards Dawnwind's Enchantments
17g 97s 50c
Previous N Enchanting [10-45] Cursed, But Convenient
Next N Enchanting [10-45] Elven Enchantments


Find Merrus' Idol of the Paw, Idol of the Claw and Idol of the Moon and return them to him at the Crumbled Palace.


In order to grant you my mark, <class>, I must first be made strong enough to come to your aid should you need it.

Within the ruins of Nar'thalas, my idols sit dormant. As I've said, I'm not strong enough to get them myself.

But you are strong, I can sense it. Strong enough to take on those honor-less naga who plague my home.

Find my idols and return them to me. Do this and I will grant you my mark.


You will learn: Dawnwind's Enchantments

You will also receive:

  • 17g 97s 50c
  • 16,170 XP


Have you found them? Are they still intact?


<Merrus takes the idols from you and clutches them closely to his chest.>

You've no idea how long it's been since I've held these. Thank you, <name>.

You have earned my respect and as promised, you shall have my marks.


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