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Halls of Valor: Revenge of the Enchantress

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NeutralHalls of Valor: Revenge of the Enchantress
Start Tigrid the Charmer
End Tigrid the Charmer
Level 10-45
Type Dungeon
Category Enchanting
Experience 15,900
Rewards  [Formula: Enchanted Pen]
17g 67s 50c
Previous N Enchanting [10-45] A Touch of Magic


Retrieve Tigrid's Enchanting Rod from the Halls of Valor and return it to her in Stormheim.


For many centuries, even after death, I was capable of weaving enduring enchantments. But since the theft of my enchanting rod by a greedy king, I can barely sustain the little magic I have left.

If you can recover my enchanting rod from the god-king's ghost, I will reward you in kind.


You will learn:  [Formula: Enchanted Pen]

You will also receive:

  • 17g 67s 50c
  • 15,900 XP


The rod is an extension of me, and I of it. It would be nice to hold it once more.


You have brought back to me my most prized possession. For this I will grant you a bit of my knowledge.

Should you wish to learn more, you only need bring me a few, small components.


Patch changes

External links