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Led Astray

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NeutralLed Astray
Start Nalamya
End Nalamya
Level 10-45
Category Enchanting
Experience 15,620
Previous N Enchanting [10-45] Fey Enchantments
Next N Enchanting [10-45D] Darkheart Thicket: The Glamour Has Faded


Go to Black Rook Hold in Val'sharah and slay Trelan Shieldbreaker and Starlys Strongbow.


The night elves are no fools, but the elves of Black Rook follow their commanders with blind loyalty. I've no doubt that the blame for their apathy rests heavily upon their commanders.

I know of two of their leaders, who as we speak continue to command their troops to do nothing against the blight encroaching upon my home.

Go to Black Rook Hold and slay Trelan Shieldbreaker and Starlys Strongbow. Let them be an example for those who can help, but wish to remain cowardly.


You will receive:


Don't worry about proving what you've done for me. I have my own eyes and ears to tell me of your deeds.


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