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Prepping For Battle

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NeutralPrepping For Battle
Start Alynblaze
End Alynblaze
Level 10-45
Category Enchanting
Experience 16,170
Previous N Enchanting [10-45] Cursed, But Convenient
Next N Enchanting [10-45] Sentinel's Final Duty


Craft an Enchant Cloak - Word of Strength vellum, an Enchant Ring - Word of Critical Strike vellum and an Enchant Ring - Word of Mastery vellum for Alynblaze.


To earn my mark, <class>, you must first prove yourself in battle to me. There is a naga I wish to kill, but I am not strong enough to slay him.

Before we go into battle together, I need your help as an enchanter to become stronger. I'm sure by now you have a bevy of enchantments in your repertoire.

Make some for me so that I may become strong enough again to make a difference in this world.


You will receive:


Once I have the power I need, we shall test both our strengths.


<Alynblaze takes the vellums from you and applies them to his gear.>

Yes! I feel like I can take on the entire Legion now!

Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I certainly feel up for some battle.


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