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A Touch of Magic

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NeutralA Touch of Magic
Start Tigrid the Charmer
End Tigrid the Charmer
Level 10-45
Category Enchanting
Experience 15,900
Previous N Enchanting [10-45] An Enchanting Home
Next N Enchanting [10-45D] Halls of Valor: Revenge of the Enchantress


Sprinkle Arkhana on dormant objects in Tigrid's house.


I always took great pride in my home... and my enchantments. Now it seems both have fallen into ruin.

I can sense the power of a potent enchanter in you, <name>. If you would but sprinkle a bit of magic dust on my once-enchanted belongings, I'm sure you can bring them to life again.


You will receive:


Just the presence of such a vibrant enchanter gives my home the spark of life!


It pleases me that you have brought life to my beloved enchantments.

Once I could accomplish much more than mere parlor tricks... until the source of my power was stolen from me.


Patch changes

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