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Waste Not

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For the Mechagon daily quest, see N [10-60 Daily] Waste Not.
NeutralWaste Not
Start Guron Twaintail
End Guron Twaintail
Level 10-45
Category Enchanting
Experience 15,340
Previous N Enchanting [10-45] Thunder Struck
Next N Enchanting [10-45] Cloaked in Tradition


Go to the Crystal Fissure and search for discarded armor. Disenchant the armor and bring back 15 Thunder Dust to Guron.


While fighting the ambershards for their crystals, you may come across enchanted armor from our fallen braves. The ambershards care not for such things, but our tribe does not believe in letting anything go to waste.

I'd like you to retrieve our braves' armor and disenchant them into the components from which they were imbued.

Bring me back the reagents so my tribe may use them to enchant new armor.


You will receive:


To waste what we are given, is to laugh at the spirits who gave it to us to begin with.


You honor our tribe with your deeds. I will see that this dust goes to good use.


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